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Making apps available in Insight Advisor Chat

You can make your apps available in Insight Advisor Chat in the Analytics and Insights activity centers.

When your app is available, users with access to that app can search Insight Advisor in your app with Insight Advisor Chat. For more information on Insight Advisor Chat, see Exploring apps with conversational analytics.

When your app is available, users with access to that app can also interact with the app using conversational analytics in Microsoft Teams. For more information, see Exploring app content with conversational analytics in Microsoft Teams.

Information noteApps that use Section Access require additional configuration for service users to be available in Insight Advisor Chat. If you have sensitive information in app names, field names, or master item names, these may be exposed by making apps using Section Access available for Insight Advisor Chat. App suggestions for queries include apps in spaces to which users have access. These may include apps to which users do not have access in an app's Section Access. Selecting these apps will do nothing, however. When clicking Dimensions or Measures to view the available items from an app using Section Access, users may see items to which they do not have access. Clicking on these items will not provide any data to the users, however. For more information, see Using Section Access and Insight Advisor Chat.

App content availability in Insight Advisor Chat

What users can search for and access with the Measure and Dimension buttons with Insight Advisor Chat depends on the space permissions of users, if the app is published, and if there is a logical model applied to your app.

For your own apps in your personal space, you can search for fields and master items from the app.

For apps in shared spaces, users with Can edit, Can edit data in apps, or Can manage permissions can search for fields and master items. Users with Can view permission can only search for master items.

For apps in managed spaces, users with Can manage permission can search for fields and master items. Users with Can contribute or Can view permissions can search for master items.

If you have business logic applied to an app in a shared or managed space, users can search for available fields and master items based on the logical model regardless of their permissions in the space.

Clicking the Measure or Dimension button (or entering show measure or show dimension) will show the corresponding master items. If the app has no master items, fields related to measures or dimensions are shown instead. Fields or master items hidden in the logical model will not appear when the button is clicked, but can be searched for in a query.

Turning on Insight Advisor Chat

To turn Insight Advisor Chat on and off for an app in a collaborative space, you need the following roles in the space:

  1. In the app navigation bar, click MoreSettings.
  2. Turn on Enable app for Insight Advisor Chat in activity centers.

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