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Data space roles and permissions

When you add members to a data space, you can assign them roles inside the space. Space roles are defined by a set of permissions on the data space, and the resources inside the space.

For more information about data spaces, see Working in spaces in Qlik Talend Data Integration.

When you create a data space, you become the owner of the data space and all resources inside of that space. Space owners, tenant admins, and data admins can add members to the data space. Also, data space members who are granted the Can manage role can add other members to the space.

As data tasks operate in the context of the owner of the project they belong to, the following roles are required:

  • The owner of a project must have the Can edit role in the space where the project resides. This allows the catalog to be updated with table metadata and ensures that storage (QVD) tasks in the project can create data files in the space.

  • The owner of a project must have the Can consume data, Can edit, or Can manage role in the spaces that contain:

    • Target connections that are used in the project.

    • Source connections used in data tasks in the project.

  • For any data task that uses connections through Data Movement gateway, the owner of the project must have the Can consume data, Can edit, or Can manage role in the space where the data gateway resides.

To create connections to access data through Data Movement gateway, the following roles are required for the user who creates the connection:

  • Can manage on the space where you create the connection.

  • Can consume data, Can edit, or Can manage on the space where the data gateway resides.

Data space roles

Members of a data space can be assigned one or more of the following data space roles.

Data space role Summary
Is owner This member can manage the space, all projects, data tasks and data resources inside the space, and its members.
Can view This member can view projects, data tasks and data resources, but they cannot make changes.
Can view data This member can view data in data tasks in the data space, for example, preview and samples of data.
Can consume data This member can consume data from data tasks in the data space.
Can manage This member can manage the space details and members.
Can operate This member can view projects, and data tasks with basic details and perform actions, such as run, stop, and resume.
Can edit This member can view and edit projects, and data tasks in this space, as well as create new data tasks.
Information noteMembers must have the Can consume data role to use data tasks in apps. Apps that use data tasks from a data space that are shared with users who are not members of the data space can still view the app data but not the data source.

Permissions for members of the data space

The following tables outlines what specific permissions are granted to a data space member with a particular role.

Permissions on the data space

Action Is owner Can view Can consume data Can manage Can operate Can edit
See data space in Data Integration home Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Change space name, description, members, and roles Yes     Yes    
Delete space Yes     Yes    

Permissions on projects

All permissions are granted on space level.

Action Is owner Can view Can consume data Can manage Can operate Can edit
List projects Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Create project Yes         Yes
Update project Yes         Yes
Open project Yes Yes     Yes Yes
Delete project Yes         Yes
Operate project Yes       Yes  

Permissions on data tasks and data resources in the data space

All permissions are granted on space level.

Action Is owner Can view Can consume data Can manage Can operate Can edit
Create data task Yes         Yes
List data tasks and information about tasks Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Edit data task attribute Yes         Yes
Open data task Yes Yes     Yes Yes
Update data task Yes         Yes
Delete data task Yes         Yes
Control data task (run, stop, resume, reload) Yes       Yes  
List data resources (connections) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Add connection Yes     Yes    
Edit connection See note below          
Delete connection Yes     Yes    
Information noteConnections can only be edited by the owner of the connection.

Permissions on data products

All permissions are granted on space level.

Action Is owner Can manage Can edit Can view Can consume Can operate
List data product Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Read data product Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Create data product Yes No Yes No No No
Update data product Yes No Yes No No No
Delete data product Yes No Yes No No No

Permissions for users with security roles

The following tables outlines what specific permissions are granted to a user with a specific security role with regard to data spaces, data tasks and data resources in a data space.

Permissions on data spaces with security roles

Action Tenant admin Data admin Data space creator
Create data space Yes Yes Yes
See data space in Data Integration home Yes Yes  
Change space name and description Yes Yes  
Delete space Yes Yes  
Change space owner Yes Yes  

Permissions on projects with security roles

Action Tenant admin Data admin
List projects Yes Yes
Open project Yes Yes
Delete project Yes Yes
Change owner of project Yes Yes

Permissions on data tasks and data resources with security roles

Action Tenant admin Data admin
List data tasks and information about assets Yes Yes
Open data task Yes Yes
Delete data task Yes Yes
Change owner of data task Yes Yes
List data resources (connections) Yes Yes
Delete connection Yes Yes
Change owner of connection Yes Yes
Change space of connection Yes Yes

Permissions on data products with security roles

Action Tenant admin Data admin
List data products Yes Yes
Read data product Yes Yes
Create data product No No
Update data product No No
Delete data product Yes Yes

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