QlikView apps in Qlik Cloud
You can upload and access QlikView apps in Qlik Cloud. You can also share QlikView apps with other users by publishing them in spaces.
QlikView apps are compatible with Qlik Cloud. QlikView users that want to use QlikView apps in a cloud environment must have a unified license. The unified license became available with the April 2019 releases of QlikView and Qlik Sense.
For more information on licensing for QlikView, see Licensing QlikView.
You can add QlikView apps to Qlik Cloud in the following ways:
- Publish them from the QlikView Publisher: Publishing QlikView apps and links
- Uploading them directly in the Analytics activity center: QlikView apps in Qlik Cloud
Publishing QlikView apps and links
QlikView apps have the same purpose as Qlik Sense apps, but have a different interface and different available features. In the cloud environment, QlikView apps are view-only. You can explore the visualizations in the app, but you cannot edit the app or add your own sheets to the app. You can share QlikView apps with other users by adding them to managed and shared spaces.
Qlik Cloud members with administrators rights for a QlikView Server environment can distribute QlikView documents, and links to documents, to Qlik Cloud. QlikView documents open directly in the activity center. Apps distributed to Qlik Cloud can only be distributed to managed spaces.
You can publish documents and links in Qlik Cloud.
Links that are published in Qlik Cloud redirect you outside the cloud environment, into the QlikView AccessPoint where the QlikView document is opened. The user must be able to access the QlikView Server.
Publishing QlikView documents and links in Qlik Cloud
Qlik Cloud members can also upload QlikView apps to personal spaces in the Analytics activity center, and publish them in managed or shared spaces. To learn how to upload a QlikView app in the Qlik Cloud, see QlikView apps in Qlik Cloud.
QlikView apps and QlikView documents
In a QlikView environment, QlikView files are called documents and are in .qvf format or .qvw format. In a cloud environment QlikView files are called apps and are in .qvf format. When a QlikView document in .qvw format is uploaded to Qlik Cloud, the file is automatically converted from .qvw to .qvf to make it compatible with the cloud environment.
Converting a QlikView document into a QlikView app allows Qlik Cloud members to open and interact with the QlikView content in the cloud environment. This conversion, however, brings some feature limitations. To learn more about QlikView app supported and unsupported functionality, see: Working with QlikView apps in Qlik Cloud Analytics
Uploading and sharing a QlikView app in Qlik Cloud
You can manually upload a QlikView file (.qvf or .qvw) to Qlik Cloud from the QlikView publisher folder or any other preferred location in your Windows environment. Once uploaded, the app resides in your personal space. You can then share it to shared spaces, and publish it to managed spaces for which you have “Can publish” permission.
Do the following:
- Select a QlikView file (.qvf or .qvw) that you want to upload to Qlik Cloud.
In Qlik Cloud, upload the QlikView file to your personal space. In Analytics, go to the Create page of the Analytics activity center and select Upload.
Share the QlikView app with other members
by publishing it in managed spaces or by sharing it in shared spaces.
- Choose one or more managed spaces where you want to publish the QlikView app. Managed spaces are created by the tenant or analytics administrator, or by users with the ManagedSpaceCreator role.
For detailed documentation, see Working in managed spaces. - Choose a shared space where you want to share the QlikView app. For detailed documentation, see Working in shared spaces.
- Choose one or more managed spaces where you want to publish the QlikView app. Managed spaces are created by the tenant or analytics administrator, or by users with the ManagedSpaceCreator role.
Working with QlikView apps in Qlik Cloud Analytics
From the Qlik Cloud Analytics activity centers, you can interact with QlikView apps in the same way as Qlik Sense apps. QlikView apps can be added to collections. Unlike Qlik Sense apps, QlikView apps in the Qlik Cloud are view only. QlikView apps can be shared with other users using shared spaces. Community or shared content cannot be added to them by other users.
Each app in Qlik Cloud displays the app name, description, owner, and the modification date.
You can click on the app to open it. You can click to view more options for the app including:
Details provides an overview of app information. It shows the dates of app creation, and last modification. Details also shows the tags applied to the app and who can access the app. You can also view the managed spaces to which the app has been published. You can also view the app ID and unique app views.
You can publish apps from a personal or shared space. You must have Can publish permission in the managed spaces to which you are publishing.
You can change the app name, description, tags, and space.
You can delete any app you own in your activity center. If you have permission in a space, you can also delete the app from the space.
Open app in IE plugin
Only available from Microsoft Edge in IE mode.
The QlikView IE Plug-in installation file is downloaded from Product Downloads, see Downloading installation files.
The QlikView IE Plug-in is an application installed to your Microsoft Edge. If the plug-in has been installed, it opens the app in the plug-in, and displays the content of the QlikView app in as close a format as possible to the original qvw file.
The URL of your tenant must be added as a trusted site in Microsoft Edge (Internet Options > Security). You can omit the https:// part of the URL and enable the Display mixed content setting found in the Custom Level... settings for Trusted Sites.
For more information, see support article QlikView on Qlik Cloud Services: open documents using the IE-plugin via Edge Chromium.
Add to collection
You can add the QlikView app to a collection.
You can duplicate the app.
You can move the app to another space.
Export with data
You can export an app with data from your personal space or shared spaces.
Export without data
You can export an app without data from your personal space or shared spaces.
You cannot reload QlikView apps in Qlik Cloud. For apps that were uploaded manually to Qlik Cloud, you can upload the app again with the updated data.
Supported functionality
Here is a list of supported actions when opening a QlikView app in Qlik Cloud. Standard usage with all objects and all expressions is supported.
- Select, Select possible, Select excluded, Select all
- Section access
- Actions and triggers
- Back, forward
- Pivot
- Sorting
- Drill-down
- Search
- Lock
- Switching sheets
- Detach, Attach
- Minimize, Maximize
- Clear, Clear All, Clear other fields
- Set reference
- Alternate states
- Set analysis
Document chaining
- Document Bookmarks
Server Bookmarks (create, delete, share, mail as link)
Permissions to use server bookmarks in QlikView apps in spaces are the same as for private Qlik Sense bookmarks.
For information about permissions, see Managing permissions in shared spaces and Managing permissions in managed spaces.
Repository (read-only)
Supported for bookmarks only.
- Accessibility and GeoAnalytics extensions
Send to Excel (Sort order and documents with triggers are not supported).
If your QlikView app contain sheet objects with fields with show conditions depending on variables, make sure Include in Bookmarks is selected before uploading the app to Qlik Cloud. If not, these objects will not be exported correctly. Include in Bookmarks is available in QlikView Desktop, Document Properties > Variables.
- Input fields
- Alerts
Unsupported functionality
Here is the list of currently unsupported actions:
- Functions based on Shared file persistence in Windows are not supported. For example: Server objects, create new app, add sheet, new sheet objects. Server bookmarks can be migrated from your on-premise QlikView installation to QlikView apps in Qlik Cloud.
- You cannot reload QlikView apps in Qlik Cloud.
You cannot download data (for example Export to Excel) from QlikView documents with Triggers.
- QlikView apps in a cloud environment are read-only. Script features are not available.
AJAX client and IE Plugin are supported, but the following are not: Open in Server, and Small device version (Mobile Clients - Small device and Mobile app).
- It is not possible to replace an existing app with a new upload. With each new upload a new copy of the app is added and the previous one is not removed even if the two apps have the same name.
- Notes
Filter AccessPoint Document List Based on Section Access document property will not work in Qlik Cloud.
- Last document state
- Session collaboration
- Macros
- Print (HTML)
- Reports (PDF) and On-Demand printing (Qlik NPrinting) are not supported.
Copy only works in the IE Plugin.
Copy cell value to clipboard only works in the AJAX client and in the IE Plugin.
- Share Object
- Reload, both full or partial
Repository (read-only)
Supported for bookmarks only.
- Properties (read-only)
- Advanced Analytics (Server-side extensions)
- Direct Discovery
- Dynamic update
- Export
Accessibility and GeoAnalytics extensions are supported but no other Client-side Extensions (third-party extensions)
- Bundling (mostly used for pictures)
- Multiple languages are supported, but language management is different from QlikView AccessPoint, see Changing language in Qlik Sense.