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Reporting from Qlik Cloud Analytics

Qlik Cloud Analytics offers several reporting capabilities that allow business intelligence teams to reach stakeholders who need to consume file-based analytics.

Reporting with subscriptions

Business users can create subscriptions of a single chart or up to 10 sheets, delivered as an email message with a PDF or PowerPoint attachment on a predefined schedule. These reports can be sent to other Qlik Cloud Analytics users in your system. This reporting option supports section access.

For more information, see Scheduling reports with subscriptions.

Centralized report development and delivery

The Qlik Cloud platform and the value-add Qlik Reporting Service support common advanced report composition and burst distribution requirements typically managed by centralized report developers.

In-app reporting allows you to design, configure, and generate reports in a number of formats, allowing extensive customization options for content, distribution, and self-service reporting. Reports are generated from templates created in Microsoft Excel, or the PixelPerfect designer embedded directly into your app. Reports can be generated from both task-based configurations and on-demand by app consumers. For more information, see In-app reporting with Qlik Cloud Analytics.

Where existing dashboards are required for visual report composition, report developers can consider reporting using Qlik Application Automation. For more information, see Reporting from Qlik Cloud Analytics with Qlik Application Automation.

System integrators can use the Qlik Reporting Service API for systematic integration and customer-specific report distribution. For more information about the API, see Reports.

Check with your service account owner about your Qlik Cloud subscription's included capacities.

In-app reporting

In-app reporting provides a flexible, dynamic experience for enterprise report design and distribution. You can design your reports in Microsoft Excel using a Qlik add-in, or directly within your app using the embedded PixelPerfect designer. When you have finished designing your template, configure report generation directly within your app, using one or both of the following workflows:

  • Task-based generation: Allow large-scale report generation with scheduled or manual distribution. You can send reports to users within and outside the Qlik Cloud tenant. Reports can be delivered by email, and to folders with Microsoft SharePoint connections. Reports can be filtered at the task level, or on a per-user basis, to leverage burst report delivery.

  • On-demand reporting: Allow app consumers to generate reports as they analyze sheets in your app. Reports can be downloaded directly to users' computers.

For more information, see In-app reporting with Qlik Cloud Analytics.

Qlik Cloud Government note

In-app reporting is not available in Qlik Cloud Government.

Tabular reporting

For tabular-style reporting requirements where large datasets need to be generated and processed, report developers should consider using Qlik Cloud's tabular reporting offering.

With tabular reporting, you develop Excel report templates using the Qlik add-in for Microsoft Excel. Upload the templates into your app and configure report generation using the task-based and on-demand reporting features. Generated reports can be in .xlsx or PDF format.

For more information about designing tabular report templates, see Designing tabular report templates.

PixelPerfect reporting

PixelPerfect offers a highly versatile report development experience, with a multitude of options to support precision and extensive customization.

To create PixelPerfect templates, use the PixelPerfect designer that is embedded directly into your Qlik Sense app. After you have finished creating your template, configure report generation using the task-based and on-demand reporting features. Generated reports are in PDF format.

For more information about creating PixelPerfect templates, see Designing PixelPerfect report templates.

Reporting using Qlik Application Automation

Application and report developers can use the combination of the Qlik Reporting Service and Qlik Application Automation to deliver customized automated reports.

Reports of Qlik Sense sheets are delivered as PDF or PowerPoint files, and can be sent to other Qlik Cloud users in your system or recipients outside of your system.

You can create a multi-page report using an automation template or create your own fully custom report definition.

For more information, see Reporting from Qlik Cloud Analytics with Qlik Application Automation.

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