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Managing your alerts

Click Alerts in the Analytics activity center to see a list of alerts owned by you, as well as alerts that have been shared with you.

You can click on an alert to see more details, or you can use the action menu to the right of each alert.

Alerts section of activity centers

Dedicated page for Alerts which is accessible from the Analytics.

You can filter and sort the alerts on the Alerts page. You can refine your list by alert owner (anyone, you, or others), or search for alerts owned by a specific user. The alerts in the list can be sorted by time of last evaluation, the last time triggered, or alphabetically by name.

Managing alerts that you own

If you are the owner of the alert, you can perform the following actions:

  • Details

    View details, history, recipients, and notification preferences.

  • Notifications

    Manage how you want to receive notifications sent by this alert.

    If you go to Profile settings > Notifications you can change global alert settings. To change the settings for a specific alert, click Alerts in the Analytics activity center. Find the alert, click the More menu, and select Notifications.

  • Edit alert in app

    Edit the alert in the app with the selections used to create the alert.

  • Evaluate now

    Evaluate the alert manually.

  • Enable / Disable

    Turn scheduled evaluation on and off.

  • Recipients

    View the recipients of the alert. If you are the owner of the alert, you can remove recipients.

  • Delete

    Delete the alert. This deletes the alert for all recipients as well.

  • Data & conditions

    View measures ,dimensions, selections, and conditions used in the alert. You can also go to the sheet where the alert was created with the selections used in the alert with View in app.

  • History

    View the history of when the alert was triggered.

Managing alerts that have been shared with you

The following actions are available for alerts that have been shared with you.

  • Details

    View details, history, recipients, and notification preferences.

  • Notifications

    Manage how you want to receive notifications sent by this alert.

    If you go to Profile settings > Notifications you can change global alert settings. To change the settings for a specific alert, click Alerts in the Analytics activity center. Find the alert, click the More menu, and select Notification.

  • Data & conditions

    View measures, dimensions, selections, and conditions used in the alert. You can also go to the sheet where the alert was created with the selections used in the alert with View in app.

  • History

    View the history of when the alert was triggered.

  • Unsubscribe

    Unsubscribe from the alert.

How timezones are displayed for alerts and subscriptions with recurring schedules

In Qlik Cloud activity centers, the time or timezone displayed will usually match the timezone you have set in Profile settings. One exception is the recurring interval schedule for alerts and subscriptions.

If you look at the Details page for an alert or subscription, you can see the next scheduled run-time under Scheduled. The time under Scheduled will reflect your timezone. If you hover over the Info, a tooltip will appear showing how often the subscription or alert is sent.

This image shows what it looks like when the creator and recipient live in the same timezone:

  • The next scheduled run-time is: April 3, 2023 at 2:15 PM.

  • The dark grey tooltip shows how often the subscription is sent: Every week, Monday and Wednesday, at 2:15 PM.

A subscription details page, as seen by a recipient who is in the same timezone as the creator.

A subscription details page, showing a tooltip with the subscription schedule.

However, the tooltip will show a Warning if the alert or subscription was created in a different timezone than the recipient. In this case, the schedule will be shown in the timezone the alert or subscription was created.

For example, a user in Toronto, Canada (GMT-4) creates a subscription. They add a recipient who lives in Stockholm, Sweden (GMT+2). There is a 6-hour time difference between them. The Swedish recipient checks the details page to find out how often they will receive this subscription. Under Scheduled, the time displayed is in the correct timezone: Stockholm, Sweden. However, if the recipient hovers over the Info, the tooltip shows the entire subscription schedule in the Canadian timezone:

  • The next scheduled run-time is March 13, 2023, 3:30 PM.

  • The dark grey tooltip shows the subscription schedule, but in the Canadian timezone: Warning Created in (GMT -4:00) America/Toronto: Every week, Monday, Wednesday, Friday 9:30 AM.

The schedule of a subscription created in Canada, as seen by a recipient in Sweden.

The difference between the scheduled timezone and the time the user will receive a subscription email.

Managing alerts as an admin

Tenant and analytics admins can manage all alerts in the Administration activity center.

  • Delete alerts.

  • Enable and disable alerts.

  • Change the owner of an alert.

  • Edit alert schedules.

For admin information, see Enabling and managing data alerts

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