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Managing spaces

Spaces in Qlik Cloud are designated areas for organizing and collaborating on apps and data. You can manage spaces from the Spaces page in the Administration activity center.

Overview of spaces in Qlik Cloud

From the Spaces page, you can see all spaces in the tenant and perform the following actions:

  • Delete a space

  • Change the space owner

  • Edit a space

  • Create a new space

For more information about data spaces in Qlik Talend Data Integration, see Working in spaces in Qlik Talend Data Integration.

Space types

Qlik Cloud supports four types of spaces:

Personal spaces

  • Only the space owner can edit apps in a personal space.

  • Co-development of apps is not possible in personal spaces.

  • Apps can be shared for viewing outside the space.

  • Users with the Private Analytics Content Creator role can create analytics content in personal spaces.

Shared space

  • Shared spaces enable collaboration and app co-development within a closed group of users.

  • The available actions for apps depend on the users space permissions.

  • Tenant admins, analytics admins, and users with the Shared Space Creator role can create shared spaces.

  • The space creator can add members and assign permissions.

For more information, see Working in shared spaces.

Managed spaces

  • Managed spaces provide governed access to apps, ensuring restricted access for members.

  • Permissions are assigned to members when they are added to a managed space, defining what they can access within the space.

  • Apps developed in personal or shared spaces can be published to a managed space.

  • Only space owners and target app consumers can open apps in a managed space, unless users have viewing permissions.

  • Tenant admins, analytics admins, and users with the Managed Space Creator role can create managed spaces.

For more information, see Working in managed spaces.

Data spaces

  • Data spaces are governed areas of your Qlik Cloud tenant that are used to create and store data projects in Qlik Talend Data Integration.

For more information, see Working in spaces in Qlik Talend Data Integration.

Enabling large app support in a space

With large app support, you can work with apps that are larger than the standard app size. To use large apps in a space, select the Allow large apps checkbox when creating or editing a space.

Once enabled, you can see which spaces that allow large apps by checking the Allow large apps column in the Spaces table.

Enable large app support when creating a new space

Do the following:

  1. In the Administration activity center, select Spaces.

  2. Click Create new above the Spaces table.
  3. Enter the space details and select the Allow large apps checkbox.
  4. Click Create.

Enable large app support in an existing space

Do the following:

  1. In the Administration activity center, select Spaces.

  2. Click the more menu More for a space, and then select Edit space.
  3. Select the Allow large apps checkbox.
  4. Click Save.
Information noteLarge app support is not a standard feature in Qlik Cloud Analytics. If you want to purchase capacity to work with larger apps, contact Qlik Sales. For more information, see Large app support.

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