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The seventh sheet: Filters

In the seventh sheet you will add filters to limit the data used in a visualization to a specific subset of that data.

Filters sheet when finished

You can filter by:

  • Values: Filter using selected values from a field. For example, filter results to only include those values you select from a field.

  • Searches: Filter using matches from a search. For example, filter results to only include those that start with a specific code prefix.

  • Condition: Filter matching specified conditions. For example. filter results to only include those that meet a numeric threshold.

  • Clear selection: Filter to exclude selections made in other visualizationsfrom this visualization for the chosen field.

For this sheet, you will create four visualizations and apply a filter to each one. You will start your work in standard mode. Create a new sheet and name it Filters.

Filtering by values

For your first filtered visualization, create a donut chart that show sales by city and filter it by the value Nordic from the field Region.

  1. Select the default visualization in the new sheet.

  2. Under Visualization, select Donut chart.

  3. Go to Fields and drag and drop the field City under Slice (Dimensions).

  4. Drag and drop the field Sales under Angle (Measures).

  5. Drag and drop the field Region under Filters.

  6. Select Values and select Nordic.

  7. Under PresentationLabels, enter Sales by city (Nordic) as the title.

Filtering by search

For the next visualization, you will make a KPI and filter it to display only the sales results for juice.

  1. Add a new visualization to the right of Sales by city (Nordic).

  2. Under Visualization, select KPI  KPI.

  3. Drag and drop the field Sales under First KPI (Measures).

  4. Drag and drop the field Product Sub Group under Filters.

  5. Select Search.

  6. Select Matches exactly.

  7. Enter Juice.

  8. Under PresentationLabels, enter Sales (Juice) as the title.

Filtering by condition

Next, create a vertical grouped bar chart and filter it so it only includes sales values greater than 40,000.

  1. Add a new visualization beneath Sales by city (Nordic) and Sales (Juice).

  2. Under Visualization, select Vertical grouped bar chart.

  3. Drag and drop the field Product Type under Bars (Dimensions).

  4. Drag and drop the field Sales under Length of bars (Measures).

  5. Drag and drop the field Sales under Filters.

  6. Select Condition.

  7. Select Compare.

  8. Under Greater than, enter 40000.

  9. Under PresentationLabels, enter Sum of sales greater than 40K by product as the title.

Filtering by clearing the selection

Finally, create a donut chart and add a clear selection filter so that selections in other charts from Region do not impact this chart.

  1. Add a new visualization to the right of Sum of sales greater than 40K by product.

  2. Select the default visualization in the new sheet.

  3. Under Visualization, select Donut chart.

  4. Go to Fields and drag and drop the field Region under Slice (Dimensions).

  5. Drag and drop the field Sales under Angle (Measures).

  6. Drag and drop the field Region under Filters.

  7. Select Clear selection.

  8. Under PresentationLabels, enter Sales by region as the title.

You can now make selection in Region in other charts without changing this chart. Selections made in this chart impact other charts, however.

You are done making visualizations. Now you will complement your app with data storytelling.

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