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GetAlternativeCount - chart function

GetAlternativeCount() is used to find the number of alternative (light gray) values in the identified field.


GetAlternativeCount (field_name)

Return data type: integer

Information note

The colors used in the selection bar, and for each selection state, can be modified with a custom theme. If you are working with an app that uses a custom theme, you might notice that your selections do not display with the same colors that are described in this help topic.


Argument Description
field_name The field containing the range of data to be measured.

The following table lists other functions that are related to this function.

Related functions
Function Interaction
GetStateCounts - chart function

Using GetStateCounts(), you can combine the calculation of the following counts using a single function call:

  • Count of selected included values.

  • Count of possible values.

  • Count of alternative values.

  • Count of excluded values, not including alternative and selected excluded values.

  • Count of selected excluded values.

GetSelectedCount - chart function Returns the count of selected included values.
GetPossibleCount - chart function Returns the count of possible values.
GetAlternativeCount - chart function Returns the count of excluded values, not including alternative and selected excluded values.

Examples and results:  

The following example uses the First name field loaded to a filter pane.

Examples and results
Examples Results

Given that John is selected in First name.

GetAlternativeCount ([First name])

4 as there are 4 unique and excluded (gray) values in First name.

Given that John and Peter are selected.

GetAlternativeCount ([First name])

3 as there are 3 unique and excluded (gray) values in First name.

Given that no values are selected in First name.

GetAlternativeCount ([First name])

0 as there are no selections.

Data used in example:

LOAD * inline [
First name|Last name|Initials|Has cellphone
Peter|Franc|PF|Yes ] (delimiter is '|');

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