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Mid - script and chart function

Mid() returns the part of the input string starting at the position of the character defined by the second argument, 'start', and returning the number of characters defined by the third argument, 'count'. If 'count' is omitted, the rest of the input string is returned. The first character in the input string is numbered 1.


Mid(text, start[, count])

Return data type: string

Argument Description
text The original string.
start Integer defining the position of the first character in text to include.
count Defines the string length of the output string. If omitted, all characters from the position defined by start are included.
Example: Chart expressions
Example Result
Mid( 'abcdef',3 ) Returns cdef
Mid( 'abcdef',3, 2 ) Returns cd

Example - Mid fundamentals

Example - Mid scenario

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