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JsonObject - script and chart function

JsonObject is used to build JSON objects.


JsonObject(json [name, value, ...])

Return data type: dual

Argument Description
json String containing JSON data.
name The name of the field in JSON format.
value The string value in JSON format.


The following load script loads and sets data as a JSON object.

Data: Load *, JsonObject('id', Id, 'name', Name, 'address', Address, 'phone', Phone, 'fax', FaxOrNull) AS Json; LOAD *, If(Fax='-',Null(),Fax) AS FaxOrNull; LOAD * INLINE [ Id, Name, Address, Phone, Fax 1, John Doe, Oak Way, 1 234 567, 1 234 568 2, Jane Doe, Maple Way, 123456, - 3, Mr Xavier, Spruce Way, 1-800-MRX ];

This results in the following JSON data:

{"id":1,"name":"John Doe","address":"Oak Way","phone":"1 234 567","fax":"1 234 568"}
{"id":2,"name":"Jane Doe","address":"Maple Way","phone":123456}
{"id":3,"name":"Mr Xavier","address":"Spruce Way","phone":"1-800-MRX","fax":""} 

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