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Money# - script and chart function

Money#() converts a text string to a money value, in the format set in the load script or the operating system, unless a format string is supplied. Custom decimal and thousand separator symbols are optional parameters.


Money#(text[, format[, dec_sep [, thou_sep ] ] ])

Return data type: dual

Argument Description
text The text string to be evaluated.
format String describing the expected input format to use when converting the string to a numeric interval.

If omitted, the money format set in the operating system is used.


String specifying the decimal number separator. If omitted, the MoneyDecimalSep value set in the data load script is used.


String specifying the thousands number separator. If omitted, the MoneyThousandSep value set in the data load script is used.

The Money# function generally behaves like the Num# function but takes its default values for the decimal and thousand separators from the script variables for money format or the system settings for currency.

Example: Chart expressions
Example Results
Money#('35 648,37 kr' , '# ##0,00 kr',',',' ' )

Returns 35 648,37 kr when the MoneyFormat setting is # ##0,00 kr. The following need to be set in your load script for this to evaluate correctly as a number:

  • SET MoneyDecimalSep=',';

  • SET MoneyThousandSep=' ';

Money#( '$35,648.37', ' $#', '.', ',' )

Returns $35,648.37 when the following is set: 

  • MoneyFormat is $#

  • SET MoneyDecimalSep=',';

  • SET MoneyThousandSep=' ';

Example - Money# fundamentals

Example - Money# scenario

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