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Editing app details

After creating an app, you can edit the app details. You can add new information to the app or move the app to a different space.

You can change the titles and descriptions of your apps. Tags are used to group apps with related apps. Tags are shared, but you can only see tags that you have created yourself or that are used with apps to which you have access.

Editing app details in an activity center

  1. In your activity center, click More on the app you want to edit and select Edit details,

  2. Edit the title, description, or tags.

  3. Click Done.

Editing app details in an app

  1. In your app, click the app name to open the app details area.

  2. In the app details area, click More actionsEdit details.

  3. Edit the thumbnail, title, description, or tags.

  4. Click Done.

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