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EmptyIsNull - script and chart function

The EmptyIsNull function converts empty strings to NULL. Hence, it returns NULL if the parameter is an empty string, otherwise it returns the parameter.


EmptyIsNull(exp )

Return data type: NULL if the parameter is an empty string, otherwise it returns the parameter

Argument Description
expr The expression or field containing the data to be measured.
Example: Chart expressions
Example Result


This expression will return NULL for any empty string values of the AdditionalComments field instead of empty strings. Non-empty strings and numbers are returned.

EmptyIsNull(PurgeChar(PhoneNumber, ' -()'))

This expression will strip any dashes, spaces, and parentheses from the PhoneNumber field. If there are no characters left, the EmptyIsNull function returns the empty string as NULL; an empty phone number is the same as no phone number.

Example - EmptyIsNull fundamentals

Example - Replacing null values with text and adding conditional formatting

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