Reusing measures with master measures
When you are working with an app, you can create master measures so that they can be reused.

A master measure is a combination of an expression and descriptive data, such as name, description and tags. You can create a master measure in different ways.
Creating a master measure from a field
Creating a master measure with a common aggregation function
Creating a master measure by typing the expression
Creating a master measure from the data model viewer
You can also create a master measure based on a measure created in a visualization. Under the measure in the properties panel of a visualization, click Add new under Master items.
Master measure formatting
Number formatting, color, and label can be configured for a master measure. These properties are not applied to a visualization if you reference the master measure using an expression. To apply these properties in a visualization, create a direct link to the master measure when configuring the visualization.
Do the following:
In sheet edit mode, click Advanced options.
Expand Data > Measures in the properties panel.
Click Add.
In the drop down menu, under Measures, select the master measure.
A direct link is now created to the master measure.
A master measure is a type of master item. When working with master items, consider the following:
Master items can only be viewed, edited, created, and deleted when editing a private sheet. You cannot perform actions on master items from a public or community sheet.
Depending on your permissions, your access to master items might be limited. For example, you might be able to view the master items in an app but not create, edit, or delete them. For more information about how permissions affect actions on master items, see Permissions for working with master items.
You cannot create, edit, or delete the master items of a published app. Instead, perform these actions in the source app and then re-publish the app to the managed space.
For more information about the required permissions for creating master measures, see Permissions for working with master items.
Learn more
Using master measures in expressions
Reusing assets with master items