Microsoft Dynamics CRM V2
The Qlik Microsoft Dynamics CRM V2 Connector lets you select and load data from your Microsoft Dynamics CRM account by running Fetch XML queries with the Qlik Web Connectors and loading the results directly into your QlikView and Qlik Sense applications.
The Qlik Web Connectors help you connect to different data sources and fetch data in the same way. Learn how to authenticate a data source connection and how to use tables to fetch data.
The connector can fetch data from the following Microsoft installations and services:
- Microsoft Dynamics 365 data (online)
Supported offerings
- QlikView
This connector must be installed separately.
Ways to access your data
To access your Microsoft Dynamics CRM data, you will need to authenticate the connector with your Microsoft account credentials. After you create a connection, select Microsoft Dynamics CRM V2 as your data source, enter the base URL, ex., and select Authenticate. You are redirected to a Microsoft login page. Log in with your credentials to retrieve an authentication code, and enter it into the connector.
After authenticating the connector a number of tables are available:
- ListEntities - Use this table to return a complete list of all the entity set names available for the organization. The preview is limited to 50 results.
- FetchXML - Use this table to run a FetchXML query that selects data from your Microsoft Dynamics CRM account and creates a data load script. You must specify the Entity set name to submit a query.
FetchXML is a proprietary query language that is used in Microsoft Dynamics CRM. It is based on a schema that describes the capabilities of the language.
Use FetchXML to construct a query
There are two ways to build the FetchXML:
Build queries manually with FetchXML.
From the Microsoft Dynamics CRM user interface.
To do this, navigate to Advanced Find > Query, construct your query, then download the FetchXML.
Information noteThis is the recommended way to build your FetchXML to reduce the chances of errors.