Qlik Reporting Service specifications and limitations
This help topic lists the capacities and limitations that apply to reporting in Qlik Cloud Analytics, both in the user interface and via the Qlik Reporting Service API. It specifically notes limitations that apply to using the value-add subscription options available with the Qlik Reporting Service.
The Qlik Reporting Service is a value-add set of services within a Qlik Cloud subscription that provides enterprise-level reporting capabilities from Qlik Cloud. With the Qlik Reporting Service, the following capabilities are available:
In-app reporting
Reporting with Qlik Application Automation
Direct usage of the Qlik Reporting Service API. See: Reports
For more information about reporting in Qlik Cloud Analytics, see Reporting from Qlik Cloud Analytics.
This page lists limitations for the value-add capabilities noted above. The following information is provided:
Qlik Reporting Service consumption limitations
Limitations and specifications for each of the value-add capabilities within the Qlik Reporting Service
The information on this page does not necessarily apply to other reporting capabilities in Qlik Cloud (for example, subscription reports). For limitations specific to those capabilities, refer to their associated help topics.
Consumption limitations for Qlik Reporting Service value-add capabilities
The following consumption-related limitations apply to all Qlik Cloud licenses, unless otherwise stated. The capacities listed on this page are a metered combination representing the combined usage across each of the included Qlik Reporting Service capabilities in the subscription.
For the consumption limits and capacities specific to your Qlik Cloud subscription, check with your service account owner and refer to the terms of service for the Qlik Cloud subscription you are using.
Across all forms of reporting (including capabilities outside the Qlik Reporting Service), a tenant can make a maximum of 30,000 reporting-related requests per day. The requests made by Qlik Reporting Service value-add capabilities count toward this limit.
The maximum number of reports per month varies depending on your Qlik Cloud license, with add-on packs available for purchase.
If you need additional reports, contact your tenant admin.
For detailed information about your license metrics, see the Qlik Cloud® Subscriptions product description. Administrators can view license information and monitor the number of generated reports and automation runs in the Administration activity center. For more information, see Monitoring resource consumption.
More detailed information about your personal automations is available through Automations in the Analytics activity center. Tenant admins can view consumption metrics on the Home tab of the Administration activity center.
System and software requirements for Office add-ins
See System and software requirements.
Limitations for in-app reporting
General limitations
These limitations apply to the in-app reporting functionality in Qlik Sense. They are relevant for both template creation and configuration of report generation.
In-app reporting is not available in Qlik Cloud Government.
In-app reporting is not available for apps published or distributed from Client-Managed Qlik Sense (including multi-cloud deployments) to Qlik Cloud. To use in-app reporting with these apps, migrate the app to Qlik Cloud using the migration tools (see Setting up the Qlik Cloud migration tools), or manually export the app and re-upload it into Qlik Cloud.
When using a custom font in your app, it is assumed you have the required license to use that font in output from Qlik Sense. To ensure your fonts are licensed, make use of the multiple open-source fonts available in Qlik Sense for styling app content.
If you have the required licenses for a font that is not available in the default Qlik Sense themes, see Create themes with custom fonts to learn about adding the font to a custom theme.
When using a custom, third-party, and/or proprietary font in your report, it is assumed you have the required license to use that font in output from the Qlik Reporting Service. For optimal print output, it is recommended to use an open-source font.
When characters that are unsupported in the selected font are used in app content, these characters will be rendered in output with a font in which they are supported. Different behavior might be noticed if a custom font is used.
If you use a custom theme in your app to define font use (for example, adding a font file directly to the theme), fonts rendered in various outputs might not be the same fonts you have used in your app.
Shadows applied to chart objects in the app are not shown in the generated report.
Reporting capabilities, including the Qlik Reporting Service value-add features and subscription reports, are not supported in Direct Query apps.
The following objects are not supported in report templates:
Filter panes
Charts with these hypercubes types: Tree, Pivot, or Stacked
You can nest a maximum of five levels deep in your report template.
The maximum number of generated images in a report is 1,000.
A generated report can contain a maximum of 50,000 objects.
The maximum number of object instances you can add to a report template is 200.
Hidden and system fields are not visible in the list of fields to use for levels and pages.
Using a calculated dimension as a level is not supported. Specifically, the following use cases are not supported:
Adding a calculated dimension as a master item, adding this master item to a chart, and then using the chart as a level.
Adding a calculated dimension expression to a chart, and then using the chart as a level.
You can, however, include tabular data consisting of calculated dimension columns inside a level.
When using master dimensions inside a level, you can only use master dimensions with the Single type. Drill-down master dimensions are not supported inside levels.
When you add column tags that are associated with a Show column if condition set on a chart, the condition must be met when a report generation event using that template is run. Otherwise, report generation fails. To resolve this issue, if a chart using a Show column if condition needs to be added to the report, add the data to the template as a table tag. Report generation will then run successfully even if the condition is not met.
When uploading a report template into an app, the maximum template file size is 10 MB.
Technical limitations
The following limitations apply to sharing visualizations, with respect to in-app reporting. If these limits are exceeded, your report will fail. If this issue occurs, contact a user with Can edit permission in the app.
The specific limitations are listed below:
Maximum image size: 4,000 x 4,000 pixels
Minimum image size: 5 x 5 pixels for charts and 20 x 20 pixels for sheets
Limitations for tabular reporting
This section lists limitations that apply when using the Qlik add-in for Microsoft Excel, as well as to reports generated from Excel report templates.
The use of custom fonts in the Excel template file is not supported. If your template contains fonts that are unavailable for report generation, elements using these fonts will instead use a default Excel font in generated reports.
Third-party extensions are not supported.
Macros and scripting are not supported in Microsoft Excel report templates.
A generated report can contain a maximum of 50,000 objects. With respect to the add-in, consider the following:
A single chart, variable value, level value, or expression value counts as one object.
For Excel tables, 500 generated cells count as one object. If there is an additional remainder of less than 500 cells (for example, several smaller tables containing a total of as many as 499 cells), this does not count as an object.
Microsoft Excel imposes certain constraints on what is contained within an Excel workbook file. These limitations apply to both Excel report templates and the output they generate. This includes the maximum number of rows, columns, and characters in a single .xlsx file. Refer to the official Microsoft documentation to learn about these external limits.
An Analysis object can only be added to an Excel report template as a chart image. To add an Analysis to the template as tabular data, convert it to a chart in the app.
Sensitivity labels or Azure Information Protection (AIP) labels are not supported in Excel report template files. That is, if your template contains any of these labels, the data restriction they provide is ignored, report generation proceeds as usual, and generated reports will not contain any of sensitivity or AIP labels. If sensitivity or AIP labels are required for output, you can add them manually to the reports after they are generated.
Limits and limitations for PixelPerfect reporting
An Analysis object cannot be added to a PixelPerfect report template. To add an Analysis to the template as an image, convert it to a chart in the app.
Limits and limitations for in-app report configuration
When one or more cycles are applied, a report task can generate a maximum of 500 unique reports. When no cycles are applied, the report task can generate a maximum of 100 unique reports.
You can select a maximum of three fields to cycle for a report task.
The maximum execution time for a report task with a cycle applied is four hours.
In a Qlik Cloud tenant, a maximum of 100 report tasks can be created by the same user. A user can free up report tasks by deleting existing tasks they created.
You can add a maximum of 1000 recipients and 1000 groups to the distribution list of an app.
Report delivery via Microsoft SharePoint distribution folder is not available if the app uses section access.
External email clients often enforce size limits for email attachments. Check with your SMTP provider to find out what your limit is.
Reports delivered to cloud storage connectors have no file size limit.
Report filters are not compatible with Star statements. If an app contains this statement in the script, reports with filters might show unexpected results.
When configuring a report filter using the Search selection method, certain search methods are not supported. For more information, see Report filter limitations.
Hidden and system fields are not visible in the list of fields to use in a report filter.
If an app contains one or more fields configured with the Always one selected value property, you need to configure your report filters so that the filters select exactly one value for each of these fields. These report filters need to be applied to the report task.
If a filter doesn't contain a value for these fields, or no filters are associated at all to the task, the report task will fail.
Limitations for reporting with Qlik Application Automation
Technical limitations
The following limitations apply to reporting with Qlik Application Automation. If these limits are exceeded, your report will fail. If this issue occurs, contact a user with Can edit permission in the app.
The specific limitations are listed below:
Maximum number of fields in the selections: 125
Maximum number of field values in the selections: 150,000 total field values across one or many fields
Maximum number of alternate states: 125
Maximum number of patches: 100
Patches are properties or styling applied in the app. For example: Adding a sort to a table column.
Maximum number of variables: 1,100
Maximum image size: 4,000 x 4,000 pixels
Minimum image size: 5 x 5 pixels for charts and 20 x 20 pixels for sheets
Maximum number of pages in a report: 200
Other specifications and limitations
If you create PDF or PowerPoint reports, the resolution will be 300 DPI.
External email clients often enforce size limits for email attachments. Check with your SMTP provider to find out what your limit is.
Reports delivered to cloud storage connectors have no file size limit.
Portrait layout is not supported for sheets that will be outputted to automations in PowerPoint format. Sheets set to portrait layout will be converted to landscape. However, you can use portrait layout if you are using the Qlik Reporting Service API. For more information about using the API to create reports, see the Developer Portal documentation.
When using a custom font in your app, it is assumed you have the required license to use that font in output from Qlik Sense. To ensure your fonts are licensed, make use of the multiple open-source fonts available in Qlik Sense for styling app content.
If you have the required licenses for a font that is not available in the default Qlik Sense themes, see Create themes with custom fonts to learn about adding the font to a custom theme.
When characters that are unsupported in the selected font are used in app content, these characters will be rendered in output with a font in which they are supported. Different behavior might be noticed if a custom font is used.
If you use a custom theme in your app to define font use (for example, adding a font file directly to the theme), fonts rendered in various outputs might not be the same fonts you have used in your app.
Shadows applied to chart objects in the app are not shown in the generated report.
Third-party extensions are not supported.
Reporting capabilities, including the Qlik Reporting Service value-add features and subscription reports, are not supported in Direct Query apps.
Analyses cannot be individually added to reports in Qlik Application Automation using Add chart to report. Sheets with analyses can be added to reports with Add sheet to report or Add selection to report.
More detailed information about your personal automations is available through Automations in the Analytics activity center. Tenant admins can view consumption metrics on the Home tab of the Administration activity center.