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Cleanse processor

Fills or replaces fields with a given value.

The Cleanse processor allows you to modify the content of your fields by using either the value of your choice, or a standardized value from another field.


The Cleanse processor requires one input flow and can generate only one output flow.


Properties to configure to cleanse fields and records.

Property Configuration
Function name
  • Fill cells with value: Select this function to fill all cells from this field with a given value.

  • Fill empty cells with values: Select this function to fill empty cells from this field with a given value.

Fields to process

Select the field or fields on which you want to apply a function in the list.

Tip noteIf you want to apply the same function to multiple fields at once, click the Open dialog. Open dialog icon to open a tree view that allows you to select multiple fields.
Use with
  • Other field: Select this option to concatenate the field to process with another field from the drop-down list.

  • Value: Select this option to concatenate the field to process with the custom value of your choice, set in the Value field.

To rename the processor or edit its description, click the Edit Edit icon next to the processor name in the Properties panel.

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