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Enverus OpenInvoice 

Enverus OpenInvoice is invoice automation software for oil and gas payment processing. You can use Enverus OpenInvoice as a data source when landing or replicating data.

Preparing for authentication

To access your Enverus OpenInvoice data, you need to authenticate the connection with your account credentials. You need access to your OpenInvoice x509 certificate.

You must also create an authentication key and allowlist Qlik Cloud IP addresses:

  1. In OpenInvoice, navigate to Corporate > Security Profile.

  2. In Message Authentication Codes, set Message Authentication to on.

  3. Click Yes, Proceed Anyway.

  4. Click Generate New Key.

    Note down this key to use as Authentication Key when creating the connection.

  5. In Allowed IP Addresses within Security Profile, set IP Address Verification to on.

  6. You must allowlist Qlik Cloud IP addresses.

    The IP addresses are listed in Trafic entrant - placement des adresses IP en liste verte.

    Look up your tenant region in the Analytics and Data Integration column.

    Add all three IP addresses listed by clicking Add IP Address.

Note InformationsMake sure that the account you use has read access to the tables you want to fetch.

Creating the connection

For more information, see Connexion à des applications SaaS.

  1. Fill in the required connection properties.
  2. Provide a name for the connection in Connection name.

  3. Select Open connection metadata to define metadata for the connection when it has been created.

  4. Click Create.

Connection settings
Setting Description
Data gateway

Sélectionnez une Data Movement gateway si cela est nécessaire pour votre cas d'utilisation.

Note Informations

Ce champ n'est pas disponible avec l'abonnement Démarreur Qlik Talend Cloud, car il ne supporte pas Data Movement gateway. Si vous avez un autre niveau d'abonnement et si vous ne souhaitez pas utiliser Data Movement gateway, sélectionnez Aucune.

Pour des informations sur les avantages de Data Movement gateway et les cas d'utilisation qui la nécessitent, consultez Qlik Data Gateway - Data Movement.

Authentication Key

The authentication key you created when preparing for authentication.

Client Certificate

The client certificate part of your OpenInvoice x509 certificate.

Client Key

The client key part of your OpenInvoice x509 certificate.

Key Passphrase

The passphrase for your OpenInvoice x509 certificate.

Leave this field blank if there is no passphrase for the certificate.

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