Supported PostgreSQL versions
The followings data versions are supported:
- 11, 12, 13, 14, 15
Supported PostgreSQL data types
The following PostgreSQL data types are supported by the PostgreSQL Connector.
- Array
- BigInt
- BigSerial
- Bit
- Bit Varying
- Boolean
- Box
- Bytea
- Char
- Character Varying
- Cid
- Cidr
- Circle
- Composite Types
- Date
- DateRange
- Double Precision
- Enum
- Inet
- Int4Range
- Int8Range
- Integer
- Interval
- Json
- JsonB
- Line
- LSeg
- MacAddr
- Money
- Numeric
- NumRange
- Oid
- Path
- Pg_Lsn
- Point
- Polygon
- Real
- Serial
- SmallInt
- SmallSerial
- Text
- Tid
- Time
- Timestamp
- Timestamp With Time Zone
- TsQuery
- TsRange
- TstzRange
- TsVector
- Txid_Snapshot
- Uuid
- VarChar
- Xid