Azure SQL Database
Information noteIndustry-accepted best practices must be followed when using or allowing access through the ODBC Connector. Administrators must follow The Principle of Least Privilege when setting up source database privileges and permissions.
Supported Azure SQL data types
The following Azure SQL data types are supported by the Azure SQL Database connector.
- BigInt
- BigInt Identity
- Binary
- Bit
- Char
- Date
- DateTime
- DateTime2
- Decimal
- Decimal Identity
- Float
- Int
- Int Identity
- Money
- NChar
- NText
- Numeric
- Numeric Identity
- NVarChar
- NVarChar(max)
- Real
- SmallDateTime
- SmallInt
- SmallInt Identity
- SmallMoney
- SysName
- Text
- Time
- TinyInt
- TinyInt Identity
- Varbinary
- VarChar
- VarChar(max)