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Shared space permissions for administrators

This help topic contains tables outlining what tenant and analytics administrators can and cannot do without shared space permissions.

Tenant and analytics administrators, without specific permissions, have limitations to what they can and cannot do in a shared space. These administrators, unlike general users, also have permissions to perform certain actions without needing space roles and security roles. For more information, see Administrator roles.

For more information about managing permissions in shared spaces, including special considerations, see Managing permissions in shared spaces.

Tip note

If your tenant is using the new navigation experience, the Administration activity center replaces Management Console.

For more information, see New platform navigation.

Space actions

Tenant and analytics administrator space actions in a shared space
Action Tenant and analytics admin supported
Create the space Yes
See the space exists in the Management Console Yes
See the space exists in the hub Yes
Delete the space Yes
Add members to the space Yes
Change name and roles for the space Yes
Change member permissions for the space Yes
Remove members from the space Yes
Change space owner in the Management Console Yes

App actions

App actions – General

Tenant and analytics administrator permissions in a shared space – General app actions
Action Tenant admin supported Analytics admin supported
Open an app Yes Yes

Delete an app

Yes Yes

Change app owner in the Management Console

Yes Yes
Publish or republish apps from this space No No
See all apps in the space Yes Yes
Share apps in the space with non-space members No No
Export an app No No
Export an app from the Management Console No No
Edit app attributes (change name, description, and tags) No No
Edit app properties (select theme, enable right-to-left reading order, set a bookmark as app default, and sheet title styling) No No

App actions – Data modeling and reload

Tenant and analytics administrator permissions in a shared space – Data management actions
Action Tenant admin supported Analytics admin supported

Open Data model viewer

No No

App actions – Sheets, storytelling, and visualizations

Tenant and analytics administrator permissions in a shared space – Sheets, storytelling, and visualizations actions
Action Tenant admin supported Analytics admin supported

View master items and variables

No No
View media library content No No
Add private sheets to the app No No
Add private bookmarks and stories to the app No No
Make private sheets, bookmarks, and stories public in the app No No
Make public sheets, bookmarks, and stories private in the app No No
Take snapshots in the app No No
Monitor a visualization in the cloud hub No No

App actions – Augmented analytics

Tenant and analytics administrator permissions in a shared space – Augmented analytics actions
Action Tenant admin supported Analytics admin supported
Create, edit, rerun, view, and delete key driver analyses No No

App actions – Subscriptions and alerts

Tenant and analytics administrator permissions in a shared space – Subscriptions and alerts actions
Action Tenant and analytics admin supported
Subscribe to a chart or sheet in the app No
Create an alert for the app No

Manage a subscription or alert you have created

Managing these items includes actions such as deleting, sending, evaluating, editing, disabling, and re-enabling.

Unsubscribe from a subscription or alert for which you are a recipient Yes

App actions – Reporting

Tenant and analytics administrator permissions in a shared space – Reporting actions
Action Tenant admin supported Analytics admin supported
Connect to the app in the Qlik add-in for Microsoft Excel No No
View the Reporting section in the app No No
View, create, edit, and run report tasks No No

Delete report tasks


View, create, edit, and delete report filters No No
Create, upload, and delete report distribution lists No No

View the recipients and groups from a report distribution list

No No
View, upload, re-upload, download, and delete report templates No No
Enable, disable, delete, and change the owner of report tasks in the Management Console Yes No
Enable, disable, or re-configure on-demand reporting from the app No No
Generate an on-demand report from the app No No

Script actions

Tenant and analytics administrator script actions in a shared space
Action Tenant and analytics admin supported
Open a script Yes

Delete a script


Change script owner in the Management Console

Export a script from the Management Console No
Publish or republish scripts from this space No

Open and edit the load script in Editor

Edit script attributes (change name, description, and tags) No

Data sources actions

Tenant and analytics administrator permissions in a shared space – Data sources actions
Action Tenant admin supported Analytics admin supported

See data files

Yes Yes
Delete data files Yes Yes
Update data file (overwrite with same name) No No
Move data files No No
Use data file in app Yes Yes
See data connections Yes Yes

Automation connections actions

Tenant and analytics administrator permissions in a shared space – Automation connections actions
Action Tenant admin supported Analytics admin supported

See automation connections

Yes Yes
Delete automation connections Yes Yes
Move automation connections No No
Use automation connections in automations Yes Yes

AutoML actions

AutoML actions – Experiments

Tenant and analytics administrator permissions in a shared space – ML experiments actions
Action Tenant and analytics admin supported
List ML experiments in the space Yes
Open ML experiment Yes
Create ML experiment No
Delete ML experiment Yes
Edit ML experiment No
Move ML experiment to the space No
Move ML experiment to another space No

AutoML actions – Deployments and predictions

Tenant and analytics administrator permissions in a shared space – ML deployments and predictions actions
Action Tenant and analytics admin supported
List ML deployments in the space Yes
Open ML deployment Yes
Create ML deployment No
Duplicate ML deployment No
Delete ML deployment Yes

Edit ML deployment

Create, edit, and delete prediction configurations No
Create, edit, and delete prediction schedules No
Change the owner of a prediction configuration No
Run prediction (from configuration, real-time API, or Qlik AutoML connector) No
Move ML deployment to the space No
Move ML deployment to another space No

Business glossary actions

Tenant and analytics administrator permissions in a shared space – Business glossary actions
Action Tenant admin supported Analytics admin supported
List glossaries in the space Yes Yes
Open a glossary (details page only) Yes Yes
View glossary and terms Yes No
Move glossary from this space No No
Move glossary to this space No No
Create a glossary No No
Edit glossary settings and page No No
Delete a glossary Yes Yes
Add a term in glossary No No
Edit term not in Verified state No No
Edit term in Verified state No No
Delete term not in Verified state No No
Delete term in Verified state No No
Change state of a term to/from Verified No No
Change state of a term between states other than Verified No No
Create, edit, delete categories No No
Link glossary terms to master items in apps Yes No

Other content actions

Tenant and analytics administrator permissions in a shared space – Other content actions
Action Tenant and analytics admin supported
Create, edit, and delete generic links Yes
Add and manage apps and other content from this space in public collections Yes

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