Importing and exporting glossaries
You can import categories and terms into your glossary. You can also export your glossary as a backup or to import it into a different environment.
Importing terms from glossary files
You can import terms, categories, and metadata into your glossary from a glossary file. Glossaries can be imported from other Qlik Cloud environments in the Qlik glossary format. Qlik Cloud also supports import of Atlan and Apache Atlas glossary formats. Qlik Cloud business glossaries are JSON files.
You can import from multiple files into your glossary to build your glossary. You can also import repeatedly from a single glossary file, updating the glossary in Qlik Cloud with any new changes to that file.
When importing a file, you can choose to optionally also update metadata such as the glossary overview and glossary details.
You can view import logs under Import log files. Logs show the terms, categories, and metadata changed in each import.
Do the following:
In a glossary, click Glossary details.
Click Import & export.
If you are reimporting a glossary, click Download glossary to export a backup of the glossary.
Click Import and update glossary.
Select Update glossary metadata if you want to update the glossary overview and glossary details.
Optionally, to delete all terms and categories not in the import file, select Delete terms and categories in this glossary that do not existing in the imported glossary.
Optionally, click Import test to test the import and view the log. You can download the log as a TXT file.
Click Import.
The glossary items are now imported from the selected file to your glossary.
Exporting glossaries
Download copies of your business glossary in Export. Glossaries are downloaded as JSON files in the Qlik Cloud glossary format. The glossary file is then available for import into a different environment. You can also export glossaries to archive different versions of your glossaries.
Do the following:
In a glossary, click Glossary details.
Click Import & export.
Select Download glossary to save the business glossary to your Downloads directory.
The glossary file is now available for import into environments such as a different space or different Qlik Cloud tenant.