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Pie chart

The pie chart displays the relation between values as well as the relation of a single value to the total. You can use a pie chart when you have a single data series with only positive values.

In the pie chart, the dimensions form sectors of the measure values. A pie chart can have one dimension and up to two measures. The first measure is used to determine the angle of each slice in the chart.

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Sales per region in a pie chart.

Pie chart.

Optionally, a second measure can be used to determine the radius of each pie slice. This style of pie chart is also known as a rose chart.

Sales by product sub group in a pie chart with the average sales per invoice sales determining slice radius

Pie chart using radius measure.

In the pie presentation of the pie chart, negative values in the radius measure are not supported and will be excluded. Negative values in the radius measure are supported in the donut presentation and will point in towards the center of the pie chart.

Sales by product sub group in a pie chart with radius measure containing a comparison of sales from the previous year

Pie chart with radius measure containing negative values.

When to use it

The primary use of a pie chart is to compare a certain sector to the total. The pie chart is particularly useful when there are only two sectors, for example yes/no or queued/finished.

We do not recommend that you compare the results of two pie charts with each other.


The pie chart provides an instant understanding of proportions when few sectors are used as dimensions. When you use 10 sectors, or less, the pie chart keeps its visual efficiency.


It may be difficult to compare different sectors of a pie chart, especially a chart with many sectors.

The pie chart takes up a lot of space in relation to the values it visualizes.

Creating a pie chart

You can create a pie chart on the sheet you are editing.

  1. From the assets panel, drag an empty pie chart to the sheet.
  2. Klicken Sie auf Dimension hinzufügen und wählen Sie eine Dimension oder ein Feld aus.
  3. Klicken Sie auf Hinzufügen und wählen Sie eine Kennzahl aus oder erstellen Sie eine Kennzahl aus einem Feld.

The following settings are used by default in a pie chart:

  • The top 10 sectors are presented in descending size order, clockwise.
  • Colors are presented by dimension.
  • Value labels are presented in percent.

After you have created the pie chart, you may want to add a radius measure or adjust its appearance and other settings in the properties panel. For information about styling, see Styling the pie chart. For information about customizing other aspects of the chart's appearance, see Changing the appearance of a visualization.

Styling the pie chart

Unter Darstellung im Eigenschaftsfenster sind mehrere Designoptionen verfügbar.

Klicken Sie auf Design unter Darstellung > Präsentation, um das Design des Diagramms weiter anzupassen. Das Designfenster enthält mehrere Abschnitte auf den Registerkarten Allgemein und Diagramm.

Sie können Ihre Designs zurücksetzen, indem Sie auf neben den einzelnen Abschnitten klicken. Wenn Sie auf Alle zurücksetzen klicken, werden die Designs für alle verfügbaren Registerkarten im Designfenster zurückgesetzt.

For general information about styling an individual visualization, see Applying custom styling to a visualization.

Anpassen des Texts

Sie können den Text für Titel, Untertitel und Fußnoten unter Darstellung > Allgemein festlegen. Um diese Elemente auszublenden, deaktivieren Sie Titel anzeigen

Die Sichtbarkeit der verschiedenen Bezeichnungen des Diagramms hängt von den diagrammspezifischen Einstellungen und den Anzeigeoptionen der Bezeichnungen ab. Diese können im Eigenschaftsfenster konfiguriert werden.

Sie können das Design des im Diagramm angezeigten Texts ändern.

  1. In the properties panel, expand the Appearance section.

  2. Under AppearancePresentation, click Styling.

  3. Legen Sie auf der Registerkarte Allgemein die Schriftart, den Hervorhebungsstil, die Schriftgröße und die Farbe der folgenden Textelemente fest:

    • Titel

    • Untertitel

    • Fußnote

  4. Legen Sie auf der Registerkarte Diagramm die Schriftart, die Schriftgröße und die Farbe der folgenden Textelemente fest:

    • Dimension label: Style the label for the dimension shown in the chart.

    • Dimension value label: Style the individual dimension values.

    • Value label: Style the labels which display the measure value (displayed as a value or relative percentage) for each dimension value.

    • Legendentitel: Legen Sie das Design des Legendentitels fest.

    • Legendenbezeichnungen: Legen Sie das Design der Bezeichnungen für die einzelnen Legendenelemente fest.

Customizing the background

You can customize the background of the chart. The background can be set by color and image.

  1. In the properties panel, expand the Appearance section.

  2. Under AppearancePresentation, click Styling.

  3. On the General tab of the styling panel, you can select a background color (single color or expression). You can also set the background to an image from your media library or from a URL.

    When using a background color, use the slider to adjust the opacity of the background.

    When using a background image, you can adjust image sizing and position.

Customizing the outline and shape

You can customize the outline surrounding the chart, as well as the shape and thickness of the slices.

  1. In the properties panel, expand the Appearance section.

  2. Under AppearancePresentation, click Styling.

  3. On the Chart tab of the styling panel, under Outline, set the thickness and color of the outlines of the slices.

  4. Under Corner radius, set the roundness of the corners of the slices.

Customizing the border and shadow

You can customize the border and shadow of the chart.

  1. In the properties panel, expand the Appearance section.

  2. Under AppearancePresentation, click Styling.

  3. On the General tab of the styling panel, under Border, adjust the Outline size to increase or decrease the border lines around the chart.

  4. Select a color for the border.

  5. Adjust the Corner radius to control the roundness of the border.

  6. Under Shadow in the General tab, select a shadow size and color. Select None to remove the shadow.


Wenn Einfärbung nach Dimension in diesem Diagramm verwendet wird, können maximal 100 eindeutige Dimensionswerte und 100 eindeutige Farben auf der Legende aufgetragen werden.


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