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Attribute - kod fonksiyonu

Bu kod fonksiyonu, farklı medya dosyalarının meta etiketlerinin değerini metin olarak döndürür. Şu dosya biçimleri desteklenir: MP3, WMA, WMV, PNG ve JPG. filename dosyası yoksa, desteklenen bir dosya biçimi değilse veya attributename adında bir meta etiketi içermiyorsa, NULL döndürülür.

Söz Dizimi:

Attribute(filename, attributename)


Çok sayıda meta etiketi okunabilir. Bu konudaki örneklerde, desteklenen ilgili dosya türleri için hangi etiketlerin okunabildiği gösterilmektedir.

Bilgi notuYalnızca, uygun teknik özelliğe göre dosyada kayıtlı meta etiketleri okuyabilirsiniz (örneğin, MP3 dosyaları için ID2v3 veya JPG dosyaları için EXIF); Windows Dosya Gezgini içinde kayıtlı meta bilgilerini okuyamazsınız.

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Gerekirse klasör veri bağlantısı olarak yol bilgisini de içeren medya dosyasının adı.

Örnek: 'lib://Table Files/'

attributename Bir meta etiketinin adı.

Örnekler, medya dosyalarının yollarını bulmak için GetFolderPath fonksiyonunu kullanır. GetFolderPath yalnızca eski modda desteklendiğinden, bu işlevi standart moddda veya Qlik Sense SaaS ile kullandığınızda GetFolderPath referanslarını lib:// veri bağlantısı yoluyla değiştirmeniz gerekir.

Örnek 1: MP3 dosyaları

Bu kod, MyMusic klasöründeki tüm olası MP3 meta etiketlerini okur.

// Script to read MP3 meta tags for each vExt in 'mp3' for each vFoundFile in filelist( GetFolderPath('MyMusic') & '\*.'& vExt ) FileList: LOAD FileLongName, subfield(FileLongName,'\',-1) as FileShortName, num(FileSize(FileLongName),'# ### ### ###',',',' ') as FileSize, FileTime(FileLongName) as FileTime, // ID3v1.0 and ID3v1.1 tags Attribute(FileLongName, 'Title') as Title, Attribute(FileLongName, 'Artist') as Artist, Attribute(FileLongName, 'Album') as Album, Attribute(FileLongName, 'Year') as Year, Attribute(FileLongName, 'Comment') as Comment, Attribute(FileLongName, 'Track') as Track, Attribute(FileLongName, 'Genre') as Genre,
// ID3v2.3 tags Attribute(FileLongName, 'AENC') as AENC, // Audio encryption Attribute(FileLongName, 'APIC') as APIC, // Attached picture Attribute(FileLongName, 'COMM') as COMM, // Comments Attribute(FileLongName, 'COMR') as COMR, // Commercial frame Attribute(FileLongName, 'ENCR') as ENCR, // Encryption method registration Attribute(FileLongName, 'EQUA') as EQUA, // Equalization Attribute(FileLongName, 'ETCO') as ETCO, // Event timing codes Attribute(FileLongName, 'GEOB') as GEOB, // General encapsulated object Attribute(FileLongName, 'GRID') as GRID, // Group identification registration Attribute(FileLongName, 'IPLS') as IPLS, // Involved people list Attribute(FileLongName, 'LINK') as LINK, // Linked information Attribute(FileLongName, 'MCDI') as MCDI, // Music CD identifier Attribute(FileLongName, 'MLLT') as MLLT, // MPEG location lookup table Attribute(FileLongName, 'OWNE') as OWNE, // Ownership frame Attribute(FileLongName, 'PRIV') as PRIV, // Private frame Attribute(FileLongName, 'PCNT') as PCNT, // Play counter Attribute(FileLongName, 'POPM') as POPM, // Popularimeter
Attribute(FileLongName, 'POSS') as POSS, // Position synchronisation frame Attribute(FileLongName, 'RBUF') as RBUF, // Recommended buffer size Attribute(FileLongName, 'RVAD') as RVAD, // Relative volume adjustment Attribute(FileLongName, 'RVRB') as RVRB, // Reverb Attribute(FileLongName, 'SYLT') as SYLT, // Synchronized lyric/text Attribute(FileLongName, 'SYTC') as SYTC, // Synchronized tempo codes Attribute(FileLongName, 'TALB') as TALB, // Album/Movie/Show title Attribute(FileLongName, 'TBPM') as TBPM, // BPM (beats per minute) Attribute(FileLongName, 'TCOM') as TCOM, // Composer Attribute(FileLongName, 'TCON') as TCON, // Content type Attribute(FileLongName, 'TCOP') as TCOP, // Copyright message Attribute(FileLongName, 'TDAT') as TDAT, // Date Attribute(FileLongName, 'TDLY') as TDLY, // Playlist delay
Attribute(FileLongName, 'TENC') as TENC, // Encoded by Attribute(FileLongName, 'TEXT') as TEXT, // Lyricist/Text writer Attribute(FileLongName, 'TFLT') as TFLT, // File type Attribute(FileLongName, 'TIME') as TIME, // Time Attribute(FileLongName, 'TIT1') as TIT1, // Content group description Attribute(FileLongName, 'TIT2') as TIT2, // Title/songname/content description Attribute(FileLongName, 'TIT3') as TIT3, // Subtitle/Description refinement Attribute(FileLongName, 'TKEY') as TKEY, // Initial key Attribute(FileLongName, 'TLAN') as TLAN, // Language(s) Attribute(FileLongName, 'TLEN') as TLEN, // Length Attribute(FileLongName, 'TMED') as TMED, // Media type
Attribute(FileLongName, 'TOAL') as TOAL, // Original album/movie/show title Attribute(FileLongName, 'TOFN') as TOFN, // Original filename Attribute(FileLongName, 'TOLY') as TOLY, // Original lyricist(s)/text writer(s) Attribute(FileLongName, 'TOPE') as TOPE, // Original artist(s)/performer(s) Attribute(FileLongName, 'TORY') as TORY, // Original release year Attribute(FileLongName, 'TOWN') as TOWN, // File owner/licensee Attribute(FileLongName, 'TPE1') as TPE1, // Lead performer(s)/Soloist(s) Attribute(FileLongName, 'TPE2') as TPE2, // Band/orchestra/accompaniment
Attribute(FileLongName, 'TPE3') as TPE3, // Conductor/performer refinement Attribute(FileLongName, 'TPE4') as TPE4, // Interpreted, remixed, or otherwise modified by Attribute(FileLongName, 'TPOS') as TPOS, // Part of a set Attribute(FileLongName, 'TPUB') as TPUB, // Publisher Attribute(FileLongName, 'TRCK') as TRCK, // Track number/Position in set Attribute(FileLongName, 'TRDA') as TRDA, // Recording dates Attribute(FileLongName, 'TRSN') as TRSN, // Internet radio station name Attribute(FileLongName, 'TRSO') as TRSO, // Internet radio station owner
Attribute(FileLongName, 'TSIZ') as TSIZ, // Size Attribute(FileLongName, 'TSRC') as TSRC, // ISRC (international standard recording code) Attribute(FileLongName, 'TSSE') as TSSE, // Software/Hardware and settings used for encoding Attribute(FileLongName, 'TYER') as TYER, // Year Attribute(FileLongName, 'TXXX') as TXXX, // User defined text information frame Attribute(FileLongName, 'UFID') as UFID, // Unique file identifier Attribute(FileLongName, 'USER') as USER, // Terms of use Attribute(FileLongName, 'USLT') as USLT, // Unsychronized lyric/text transcription Attribute(FileLongName, 'WCOM') as WCOM, // Commercial information Attribute(FileLongName, 'WCOP') as WCOP, // Copyright/Legal information
Attribute(FileLongName, 'WOAF') as WOAF, // Official audio file webpage Attribute(FileLongName, 'WOAR') as WOAR, // Official artist/performer webpage Attribute(FileLongName, 'WOAS') as WOAS, // Official audio source webpage Attribute(FileLongName, 'WORS') as WORS, // Official internet radio station homepage Attribute(FileLongName, 'WPAY') as WPAY, // Payment Attribute(FileLongName, 'WPUB') as WPUB, // Publishers official webpage Attribute(FileLongName, 'WXXX') as WXXX; // User defined URL link frame LOAD @1:n as FileLongName Inline "$(vFoundFile)" (fix, no labels); Next vFoundFile Next vExt

Örnek 2: JPEG

Bu kod, MyPictures klasöründeki JPG dosyalarından tüm olası EXIF meta etiketlerini okur.

// Script to read Jpeg Exif meta tags for each vExt in 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'jpe', 'jfif', 'jif', 'jfi' for each vFoundFile in filelist( GetFolderPath('MyPictures') & '\*.'& vExt )
FileList: LOAD FileLongName, subfield(FileLongName,'\',-1) as FileShortName, num(FileSize(FileLongName),'# ### ### ###',',',' ') as FileSize, FileTime(FileLongName) as FileTime, // ************ Exif Main (IFD0) Attributes ************ Attribute(FileLongName, 'ImageWidth') as ImageWidth, Attribute(FileLongName, 'ImageLength') as ImageLength, Attribute(FileLongName, 'BitsPerSample') as BitsPerSample, Attribute(FileLongName, 'Compression') as Compression,
// examples: 1=uncompressed, 2=CCITT, 3=CCITT 3, 4=CCITT 4,
//5=LZW, 6=JPEG (old style), 7=JPEG, 8=Deflate, 32773=PackBits RLE, Attribute(FileLongName, 'PhotometricInterpretation') as PhotometricInterpretation,
// examples: 0=WhiteIsZero, 1=BlackIsZero, 2=RGB, 3=Palette, 5=CMYK, 6=YCbCr, Attribute(FileLongName, 'ImageDescription') as ImageDescription, Attribute(FileLongName, 'Make') as Make, Attribute(FileLongName, 'Model') as Model, Attribute(FileLongName, 'StripOffsets') as StripOffsets, Attribute(FileLongName, 'Orientation') as Orientation,
// examples: 1=TopLeft, 2=TopRight, 3=BottomRight, 4=BottomLeft,
// 5=LeftTop, 6=RightTop, 7=RightBottom, 8=LeftBottom, Attribute(FileLongName, 'SamplesPerPixel') as SamplesPerPixel, Attribute(FileLongName, 'RowsPerStrip') as RowsPerStrip, Attribute(FileLongName, 'StripByteCounts') as StripByteCounts, Attribute(FileLongName, 'XResolution') as XResolution, Attribute(FileLongName, 'YResolution') as YResolution, Attribute(FileLongName, 'PlanarConfiguration') as PlanarConfiguration,
// examples: 1=chunky format, 2=planar format, Attribute(FileLongName, 'ResolutionUnit') as ResolutionUnit,
// examples: 1=none, 2=inches, 3=centimeters, Attribute(FileLongName, 'TransferFunction') as TransferFunction, Attribute(FileLongName, 'Software') as Software, Attribute(FileLongName, 'DateTime') as DateTime, Attribute(FileLongName, 'Artist') as Artist, Attribute(FileLongName, 'HostComputer') as HostComputer, Attribute(FileLongName, 'WhitePoint') as WhitePoint, Attribute(FileLongName, 'PrimaryChromaticities') as PrimaryChromaticities, Attribute(FileLongName, 'YCbCrCoefficients') as YCbCrCoefficients, Attribute(FileLongName, 'YCbCrSubSampling') as YCbCrSubSampling, Attribute(FileLongName, 'YCbCrPositioning') as YCbCrPositioning,
// examples: 1=centered, 2=co-sited, Attribute(FileLongName, 'ReferenceBlackWhite') as ReferenceBlackWhite, Attribute(FileLongName, 'Rating') as Rating, Attribute(FileLongName, 'RatingPercent') as RatingPercent, Attribute(FileLongName, 'ThumbnailFormat') as ThumbnailFormat,
// examples: 0=Raw Rgb, 1=Jpeg, Attribute(FileLongName, 'Copyright') as Copyright, Attribute(FileLongName, 'ExposureTime') as ExposureTime, Attribute(FileLongName, 'FNumber') as FNumber, Attribute(FileLongName, 'ExposureProgram') as ExposureProgram,
// examples: 0=Not defined, 1=Manual, 2=Normal program, 3=Aperture priority, 4=Shutter priority,
// 5=Creative program, 6=Action program, 7=Portrait mode, 8=Landscape mode, 9=Bulb, Attribute(FileLongName, 'ISOSpeedRatings') as ISOSpeedRatings, Attribute(FileLongName, 'TimeZoneOffset') as TimeZoneOffset, Attribute(FileLongName, 'SensitivityType') as SensitivityType,
// examples: 0=Unknown, 1=Standard output sensitivity (SOS), 2=Recommended exposure index (REI),
// 3=ISO speed, 4=Standard output sensitivity (SOS) and Recommended exposure index (REI),
//5=Standard output sensitivity (SOS) and ISO Speed, 6=Recommended exposure index (REI) and ISO Speed,
// 7=Standard output sensitivity (SOS) and Recommended exposure index (REI) and ISO speed, Attribute(FileLongName, 'ExifVersion') as ExifVersion, Attribute(FileLongName, 'DateTimeOriginal') as DateTimeOriginal, Attribute(FileLongName, 'DateTimeDigitized') as DateTimeDigitized, Attribute(FileLongName, 'ComponentsConfiguration') as ComponentsConfiguration,
// examples: 1=Y, 2=Cb, 3=Cr, 4=R, 5=G, 6=B, Attribute(FileLongName, 'CompressedBitsPerPixel') as CompressedBitsPerPixel, Attribute(FileLongName, 'ShutterSpeedValue') as ShutterSpeedValue, Attribute(FileLongName, 'ApertureValue') as ApertureValue, Attribute(FileLongName, 'BrightnessValue') as BrightnessValue, // examples: -1=Unknown, Attribute(FileLongName, 'ExposureBiasValue') as ExposureBiasValue, Attribute(FileLongName, 'MaxApertureValue') as MaxApertureValue, Attribute(FileLongName, 'SubjectDistance') as SubjectDistance,
// examples: 0=Unknown, -1=Infinity, Attribute(FileLongName, 'MeteringMode') as MeteringMode,
// examples: 0=Unknown, 1=Average, 2=CenterWeightedAverage, 3=Spot,
// 4=MultiSpot, 5=Pattern, 6=Partial, 255=Other, Attribute(FileLongName, 'LightSource') as LightSource,
// examples: 0=Unknown, 1=Daylight, 2=Fluorescent, 3=Tungsten, 4=Flash, 9=Fine weather,
// 10=Cloudy weather, 11=Shade, 12=Daylight fluorescent,
// 13=Day white fluorescent, 14=Cool white fluorescent,
// 15=White fluorescent, 17=Standard light A, 18=Standard light B, 19=Standard light C,
// 20=D55, 21=D65, 22=D75, 23=D50, 24=ISO studio tungsten, 255=other light source, Attribute(FileLongName, 'Flash') as Flash, Attribute(FileLongName, 'FocalLength') as FocalLength, Attribute(FileLongName, 'SubjectArea') as SubjectArea, Attribute(FileLongName, 'MakerNote') as MakerNote, Attribute(FileLongName, 'UserComment') as UserComment, Attribute(FileLongName, 'SubSecTime') as SubSecTime,
Attribute(FileLongName, 'SubsecTimeOriginal') as SubsecTimeOriginal, Attribute(FileLongName, 'SubsecTimeDigitized') as SubsecTimeDigitized, Attribute(FileLongName, 'XPTitle') as XPTitle, Attribute(FileLongName, 'XPComment') as XPComment,
Attribute(FileLongName, 'XPAuthor') as XPAuthor, Attribute(FileLongName, 'XPKeywords') as XPKeywords, Attribute(FileLongName, 'XPSubject') as XPSubject, Attribute(FileLongName, 'FlashpixVersion') as FlashpixVersion, Attribute(FileLongName, 'ColorSpace') as ColorSpace, // examples: 1=sRGB, 65535=Uncalibrated, Attribute(FileLongName, 'PixelXDimension') as PixelXDimension, Attribute(FileLongName, 'PixelYDimension') as PixelYDimension, Attribute(FileLongName, 'RelatedSoundFile') as RelatedSoundFile,
Attribute(FileLongName, 'FocalPlaneXResolution') as FocalPlaneXResolution, Attribute(FileLongName, 'FocalPlaneYResolution') as FocalPlaneYResolution, Attribute(FileLongName, 'FocalPlaneResolutionUnit') as FocalPlaneResolutionUnit,
// examples: 1=None, 2=Inch, 3=Centimeter, Attribute(FileLongName, 'ExposureIndex') as ExposureIndex, Attribute(FileLongName, 'SensingMethod') as SensingMethod,
// examples: 1=Not defined, 2=One-chip color area sensor, 3=Two-chip color area sensor,
// 4=Three-chip color area sensor, 5=Color sequential area sensor,
// 7=Trilinear sensor, 8=Color sequential linear sensor, Attribute(FileLongName, 'FileSource') as FileSource,
// examples: 0=Other, 1=Scanner of transparent type,
// 2=Scanner of reflex type, 3=Digital still camera, Attribute(FileLongName, 'SceneType') as SceneType,
// examples: 1=A directly photographed image, Attribute(FileLongName, 'CFAPattern') as CFAPattern, Attribute(FileLongName, 'CustomRendered') as CustomRendered,
// examples: 0=Normal process, 1=Custom process, Attribute(FileLongName, 'ExposureMode') as ExposureMode,
// examples: 0=Auto exposure, 1=Manual exposure, 2=Auto bracket, Attribute(FileLongName, 'WhiteBalance') as WhiteBalance,
// examples: 0=Auto white balance, 1=Manual white balance, Attribute(FileLongName, 'DigitalZoomRatio') as DigitalZoomRatio, Attribute(FileLongName, 'FocalLengthIn35mmFilm') as FocalLengthIn35mmFilm, Attribute(FileLongName, 'SceneCaptureType') as SceneCaptureType,
// examples: 0=Standard, 1=Landscape, 2=Portrait, 3=Night scene, Attribute(FileLongName, 'GainControl') as GainControl,
// examples: 0=None, 1=Low gain up, 2=High gain up, 3=Low gain down, 4=High gain down, Attribute(FileLongName, 'Contrast') as Contrast,
// examples: 0=Normal, 1=Soft, 2=Hard, Attribute(FileLongName, 'Saturation') as Saturation,
// examples: 0=Normal, 1=Low saturation, 2=High saturation, Attribute(FileLongName, 'Sharpness') as Sharpness,
// examples: 0=Normal, 1=Soft, 2=Hard, Attribute(FileLongName, 'SubjectDistanceRange') as SubjectDistanceRange,
// examples: 0=Unknown, 1=Macro, 2=Close view, 3=Distant view, Attribute(FileLongName, 'ImageUniqueID') as ImageUniqueID, Attribute(FileLongName, 'BodySerialNumber') as BodySerialNumber, Attribute(FileLongName, 'CMNT_GAMMA') as CMNT_GAMMA, Attribute(FileLongName, 'PrintImageMatching') as PrintImageMatching, Attribute(FileLongName, 'OffsetSchema') as OffsetSchema,
// ************ Interoperability Attributes ************ Attribute(FileLongName, 'InteroperabilityIndex') as InteroperabilityIndex, Attribute(FileLongName, 'InteroperabilityVersion') as InteroperabilityVersion, Attribute(FileLongName, 'InteroperabilityRelatedImageFileFormat') as InteroperabilityRelatedImageFileFormat, Attribute(FileLongName, 'InteroperabilityRelatedImageWidth') as InteroperabilityRelatedImageWidth, Attribute(FileLongName, 'InteroperabilityRelatedImageLength') as InteroperabilityRelatedImageLength, Attribute(FileLongName, 'InteroperabilityColorSpace') as InteroperabilityColorSpace,
// examples: 1=sRGB, 65535=Uncalibrated, Attribute(FileLongName, 'InteroperabilityPrintImageMatching') as InteroperabilityPrintImageMatching, // ************ GPS Attributes ************ Attribute(FileLongName, 'GPSVersionID') as GPSVersionID, Attribute(FileLongName, 'GPSLatitudeRef') as GPSLatitudeRef, Attribute(FileLongName, 'GPSLatitude') as GPSLatitude, Attribute(FileLongName, 'GPSLongitudeRef') as GPSLongitudeRef, Attribute(FileLongName, 'GPSLongitude') as GPSLongitude, Attribute(FileLongName, 'GPSAltitudeRef') as GPSAltitudeRef,
// examples: 0=Above sea level, 1=Below sea level, Attribute(FileLongName, 'GPSAltitude') as GPSAltitude, Attribute(FileLongName, 'GPSTimeStamp') as GPSTimeStamp, Attribute(FileLongName, 'GPSSatellites') as GPSSatellites, Attribute(FileLongName, 'GPSStatus') as GPSStatus, Attribute(FileLongName, 'GPSMeasureMode') as GPSMeasureMode, Attribute(FileLongName, 'GPSDOP') as GPSDOP, Attribute(FileLongName, 'GPSSpeedRef') as GPSSpeedRef,
Attribute(FileLongName, 'GPSSpeed') as GPSSpeed, Attribute(FileLongName, 'GPSTrackRef') as GPSTrackRef, Attribute(FileLongName, 'GPSTrack') as GPSTrack, Attribute(FileLongName, 'GPSImgDirectionRef') as GPSImgDirectionRef, Attribute(FileLongName, 'GPSImgDirection') as GPSImgDirection, Attribute(FileLongName, 'GPSMapDatum') as GPSMapDatum, Attribute(FileLongName, 'GPSDestLatitudeRef') as GPSDestLatitudeRef,
Attribute(FileLongName, 'GPSDestLatitude') as GPSDestLatitude, Attribute(FileLongName, 'GPSDestLongitudeRef') as GPSDestLongitudeRef, Attribute(FileLongName, 'GPSDestLongitude') as GPSDestLongitude, Attribute(FileLongName, 'GPSDestBearingRef') as GPSDestBearingRef, Attribute(FileLongName, 'GPSDestBearing') as GPSDestBearing, Attribute(FileLongName, 'GPSDestDistanceRef') as GPSDestDistanceRef,
Attribute(FileLongName, 'GPSDestDistance') as GPSDestDistance, Attribute(FileLongName, 'GPSProcessingMethod') as GPSProcessingMethod, Attribute(FileLongName, 'GPSAreaInformation') as GPSAreaInformation, Attribute(FileLongName, 'GPSDateStamp') as GPSDateStamp, Attribute(FileLongName, 'GPSDifferential') as GPSDifferential;
// examples: 0=No correction, 1=Differential correction, LOAD @1:n as FileLongName Inline "$(vFoundFile)" (fix, no labels); Next vFoundFile Next vExt

Örnek 3: Windows medya dosyaları

Bu kod, MyMusic klasöründeki tüm olası WMA/WMV ASF meta etiketlerini okur.

/ Script to read WMA/WMV ASF meta tags for each vExt in 'asf', 'wma', 'wmv' for each vFoundFile in filelist( GetFolderPath('MyMusic') & '\*.'& vExt )
FileList: LOAD FileLongName, subfield(FileLongName,'\',-1) as FileShortName, num(FileSize(FileLongName),'# ### ### ###',',',' ') as FileSize, FileTime(FileLongName) as FileTime, Attribute(FileLongName, 'Title') as Title, Attribute(FileLongName, 'Author') as Author, Attribute(FileLongName, 'Copyright') as Copyright, Attribute(FileLongName, 'Description') as Description,
Attribute(FileLongName, 'Rating') as Rating, Attribute(FileLongName, 'PlayDuration') as PlayDuration, Attribute(FileLongName, 'MaximumBitrate') as MaximumBitrate, Attribute(FileLongName, 'WMFSDKVersion') as WMFSDKVersion, Attribute(FileLongName, 'WMFSDKNeeded') as WMFSDKNeeded, Attribute(FileLongName, 'IsVBR') as IsVBR, Attribute(FileLongName, 'ASFLeakyBucketPairs') as ASFLeakyBucketPairs,
Attribute(FileLongName, 'PeakValue') as PeakValue, Attribute(FileLongName, 'AverageLevel') as AverageLevel; LOAD @1:n as FileLongName Inline "$(vFoundFile)" (fix, no labels); Next vFoundFile Next vExt

Örnek 4: PNG

Bu kod, MyPictures klasöründeki tüm olası PNG meta etiketlerini okur.

// Script to read PNG meta tags for each vExt in 'png' for each vFoundFile in filelist( GetFolderPath('MyPictures') & '\*.'& vExt )
FileList: LOAD FileLongName, subfield(FileLongName,'\',-1) as FileShortName, num(FileSize(FileLongName),'# ### ### ###',',',' ') as FileSize, FileTime(FileLongName) as FileTime, Attribute(FileLongName, 'Comment') as Comment,
Attribute(FileLongName, 'Creation Time') as Creation_Time, Attribute(FileLongName, 'Source') as Source, Attribute(FileLongName, 'Title') as Title, Attribute(FileLongName, 'Software') as Software, Attribute(FileLongName, 'Author') as Author, Attribute(FileLongName, 'Description') as Description,
Attribute(FileLongName, 'Copyright') as Copyright; LOAD @1:n as FileLongName Inline "$(vFoundFile)" (fix, no labels); Next vFoundFile Next vExt


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