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Salesforce is a cloud-based CRM platform. You can land Salesforce data as a data source when landing or replicating data.

Supported versions and objects

The following Salesforce versions are supported:

  • Salesforce Sales Cloud

  • Salesforce Service Cloud

  • Salesforce Marketing Cloud

    This requires using Salesforce Marketing Cloud Connect. For more information, see Marketing Cloud Connect.

  • Salesforce Commerce Cloud

Note InformationsThe Vote object is not supported.

For more information about the results returned from Salesforce, see Salesforce REST API Developer Guide.

If the data contains custom objects using the extension of __c in the name, they will be created in the target with _c instead, using one _ and not two.

Preparing for authentication

To access your Salesforce data, you need to authenticate the connection with your account credentials. You must create a private app in Salesforce and retrieve a client ID and a client secret:

  1. Log into Salesforce and create a new Connected app. Name this app and API and provide your email address.

  2. Enable OAuth Settings and set Callback URL to

  3. Add the following OAuth Scopes:

    • Manage user data via APIs (api)

    • Access unique user identifiers (openid)

    • Perform requests at any time (refresh_token, offline_access)

  4. Select Configure ID Token and set Token valid for to 720.

  5. Deselect Require Proof Key for Code Exchange (PKCE) Extension for Supported Authentication Flows.

  6. Scroll down and click Save.

    At this point Salesforce advises to allow from 2-10 minutes for your changes to take effect on the server before using the connected app.

  7. Copy Consumer key to the Client ID connection setting.

  8. Copy Consumer secret to the Client Secret connection setting.

  9. Provide your Salesforce Host. You can copy this from the location bar in your browser when accessing your Salesforce instance.

  10. Scroll down and click Add.

Note InformationsMake sure that the account you use has read access to the tables you want to fetch.

Creating the connection

For more information, see Connexion à des applications SaaS.

  1. Click Authenticate when you have filled in the required connection settings.

    You may be asked to log in to the source application.

    A window is displayed with an authentication code.

  2. Copy the code to the clipboard and return to the connection dialog.

  3. Paste the code in Complete authentication with the code provided by the source and click Verify.

    Note ConseilYou may need to scroll down to see this field.

    When status is Verified,the authentication is verified.

  4. Provide a name for the connection in Connection name.

  5. Select Open connection metadata to define metadata for the connection when it has been created.

Connection settings
Setting Description
Data gateway

Sélectionnez une Data Movement gateway si cela est nécessaire pour votre cas d'utilisation.

Note Informations

Ce champ n'est pas disponible avec l'abonnement Démarreur Qlik Talend Cloud, car il ne supporte pas Data Movement gateway. Si vous avez un autre niveau d'abonnement et si vous ne souhaitez pas utiliser Data Movement gateway, sélectionnez Aucune.

Pour des informations sur les avantages de Data Movement gateway et les cas d'utilisation qui la nécessitent, consultez Qlik Data Gateway - Data Movement.

Salesforce Instance

Salesforce instance. To find your Salesforce instance:

  1. Log in to Salesforce, and click Setup.

  2. Click Company Information.

  3. Copy your Salesforce instance, for example UM1 or AP8, in the right column below Organization Edition.


Name of your Salesforce instance.

Client ID Client ID.
Client Secret Client secret.
Login Domain

Login domain.

For the default production domain use

If you are using a sandbox or a custom domain, use your domain. Example: <domain> for a sandbox domain.

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