Getting started with PixelPerfect report templates
PixelPerfect report templates are developed with the PixelPerfect designer. This designer is available directly within a Qlik Sense app.
Before you start working with PixelPerfect reports, it is helpful to understand the underlying concepts behind template creation. The following concepts are essential for understanding how report content is generated from a template:
Banded authoring
Data binding
Banded report authoring
The PixelPerfect designer is a banded report authoring tool. The structure of the report template contains a series of bands that contain report objects. Typically, report objects are added on the bands, with or without data bindings. These data bindings connect to data sources from your Qlik Sense app.
For more information about banded report creation, see Banded report authoring.
Data binding
To populate your reports with app data, you need to add specific data sources from your Qlik Sense app to the designer, and then link them to bands and objects in your template. A data source that has been made available in the PixelPerfect designer is known as a data binding.
Data binding is performed with the following general workflow:
Add the data binding using the
Field List menu, available in the right side panel.
Add objects, bands, and other elements to the template, and then connect them to the data source in the element's properties.
For more information about data binding, see Data binding.
Interface overview
For an overview of the PixelPerfect designer, see Navigating the PixelPerfect designer.
Creating a template
Gehen Sie folgendermaßen vor:
In your app, use the drop down menu in the navigation bar and select Reporting.
Switch to the Templates tab.
In the top right, click New PixelPerfect template.
The PixelPerfect designer opens.
Editing a template
You can edit existing PixelPerfect templates that have already been added in the app. When you edit a template, the PixelPerfect designer opens directly in the app, where you can make changes to the existing template.
Gehen Sie folgendermaßen vor:
In the Reporting section of an app, switch to the Templates tab.
next to a PixelPerfect template, and click
The PixelPerfect designer opens.
Saving your work
As you work on your PixelPerfect template, you need to save your work manually. There is no autosave feature.
If you need to refresh your browser page or navigate to other sections in the app, save your template before completing these actions. It is recommended that you save often to make sure your content is not lost.
Gehen Sie folgendermaßen vor:
When editing a template, click Save template in the top right corner of the interface.
Previewing your work
As you add content to your report template, it is helpful to preview the output in its current form. You can easily export a copy of the generated report when working in the PixelPerfect designer.
Gehen Sie folgendermaßen vor:
When editing a template, click Preview template in the top right corner of the interface.
Click Preview as PDF, and save the file to your computer.
You can continue working on your template while the preview is being generated.
Uploading an existing PixelPerfect template
You can upload an existing PixelPerfect template file (in .qpxp format) into the app. This action is common when you have developed a template against a copy of the app in a development space, and need to re-upload the template after the app has been published to a managed space.
To upload the template into an app, any Qlik Sense objects referenced in the template must also exist in the app.
Gehen Sie folgendermaßen vor:
In the Reporting section of an app, switch to the Templates tab.
In the top right, click Upload PixelPerfect template.
Click Browse, and select a compatible .qpxp file from your computer.
Other actions
For a PixelPerfect template listed in the Templates tab, click the icon to access the following additional options:
Rename: Change the name of a template within the app.
Upload new version: Update the template with a new version, in .qpxpformat. There are requirements for the app objects in the template. The action is blocked if the new template version is not compatible with the current app.
Delete: Delete the template.
Download: Export a copy of the template to your local machine. The template is exported in .qpxp format.
On-demand: Change the on-demand reporting settings for the template. See: Konfigurieren von On-Demand-Berichten
For more information about template management in the app, see Verwalten von Berichtsvorlagen.
Working with PixelPerfect templates includes:
Viewing templates
Creating, editing, and deleting templates
InformationshinweisDeleted templates cannot be recovered. -
Uploading and downloading templates
Configuring on-demand reporting for the templates
To perform the above actions with PixelPerfect templates in an app located in a shared space, you need one of the following space roles in the space:
Owner (of space)
Can manage
Can edit data in apps
Can edit
To perform the above actions with PixelPerfect templates in an app located in a managed space, you need one of the following space roles in the space:
Owner (of space)
Can manage
Can operate (Professional- oder Full User-Berechtigung only)
If you are working with an app in your personal space, you need the Private Analytics Content Creator security role in the tenant to perform these actions.