Facebook Pages
Facebook Pages allows businesses to interact with customer on the Facebook social media platform. You can use Facebook Pages as a data source when landing or replicating data.
For more information about connecting to SaaS applications, see Herstellung einer Verbindung zu SaaS-Anwendungen.
For more information about Lite connectors, see Klassifizierungen für SaaS-Anwendungskonnektoren.
Depending on your use case, you might need to install Data Movement gateway to move data from SaaS applications. For more information, see Wann ist Data Movement gateway erforderlich?.
Preparing for authentication
To access your Facebook Pages data, you need to authenticate the connection with your account credentials.
Create an app
Go to https://developers.facebook.com/apps/.
Click Create an app, select app type Business, and click Continue.
Set App Display Name to Qlik.
Set the app purpose appropriately for your use case.
Set Do you have a Business Manager account to the business manager account that you want to use.
Click Create App.
Generate an access token:
Go to https://developers.facebook.com/tools/explorer.
Set Facebook App to Qlik.
Click Generate Access Token.
Click Add a Permission, and select the following:
Click Generate Access Token and follow the instructions to authorize the app.
Get App ID and App Secret
Go to https://developers.facebook.com/apps/
On the top left of the screen under Dashboard, click Settings.
Click Basic.
Creating the connection
For more information, see Herstellung einer Verbindung zu SaaS-Anwendungen.
- Fill in the required connection properties.
Provide a name for the connection in Connection name.
Select Open connection metadata to define metadata for the connection when it has been created.
Click Create.
Setting | Description |
Data gateway |
Wählen Sie ein Data Movement gateway aus, wenn dies für Ihren Anwendungsfall erforderlich ist. Informationshinweis
Dieses Feld ist für das Qlik Talend Cloud Starter-Abonnement nicht verfügbar, da dieses Abonnement Data Movement gateway nicht unterstützt. Wenn Sie eine andere Abonnementstufe haben und Data Movement gateway nicht verwenden möchten, wählen Sie Keine. Weitere Informationen zu den Vorteilen von Data Movement gateway und den Anwendungsfällen, in denen es erforderlich ist, finden Sie unter Qlik Data Gateway - Data Movement. |
Access Token |
The access token you have generated for your app. |
App ID |
The ID of your Qlik app on Facebook. |
App Secret | The secret associated with your Qlik app on Facebook. |
Page Fields |
Comma separated list of the required fields for the Pages dataset. You can use up to a maximum of 47 fields from the following list: about, ad_campaign, affiliation, app_id, artists_we_like, attire, awards, band_interests, band_members, best_page, bio, birthday, booking_agent, built, business, can_checkin, can_post, category, category_list, checkins, company_overview, connected_instagram_account, connected_page_backed_instagram_account, contact_address, copyright_attribution_insights, copyright_whitelisted_ig_partners, country_page_likes, cover, culinary_team, current_location, delivery_and_pickup_option_info, description, description_html, differently_open_offerings, directed_by, display_subtext, displayed_message_response_time, emails, engagement, fan_count, featured_video, features, followers_count, food_styles, founded, general_info, general_manager, genre, global_brand_page_name, global_brand_root_id, has_added_app, has_transitioned_to_new_page_experience, has_whatsapp_business_number, has_whatsapp_enterprise_number_using_cloud_api, has_whatsapp_number, hometown, hours, impressum, influences, instagram_business_account, is_always_open, is_chain, is_community_page, is_eligible_for_branded_content, is_messenger_bot_get_started_enabled, is_messenger_platform_bot, is_owned, is_permanently_closed, is_published, is_unclaimed, leadgen_tos_accepted, leadgen_tos_accepting_user, link, location, members, merchant_review_status, messaging_feature_status, messenger_ads_default_icebreakers, messenger_ads_default_page_welcome_message, messenger_ads_default_quick_replies, messenger_ads_quick_replies_type, mission, mpg, name, name_with_location_descriptor, network, new_like_count, offer_eligible, overall_star_rating, page_token, parking, payment_options, personal_info, personal_interests, pharma_safety_info, phone, pickup_options, place_type, plot_outline, preferred_audience, press_contact, price_range, privacy_info_url, produced_by, products, promotion_eligible, promotion_ineligible_reason, public_transit, rating_count, recipient, record_label, release_date, restaurant_services, restaurant_specialties, schedule, screenplay_by, season, single_line_address, starring, start_info, store_code, store_location_descriptor, store_number, studio, supports_donate_button_in_live_video, talking_about_count, temporary_status, differently_open, unread_message_count, unread_notif_count, unseen_message_count, username, verification_status, voip_info, website, were_here_count, whatsapp_number, written_by |