Evaluating and generating a classification model
The tNLPModel component reads training data in CoNLL format to
evaluate and generate a classification model.
The following items are also output to the console of the Run view:
Category | Item |
For each class | The class name |
True Positive: the number of elements that were predicted correctly as elements of this class. | |
Predicted True: the number of elements that were predicted as elements of this class. | |
Labeled True: the number of elements belonging this class. | |
Precision score: this score varies from 0 to 1 and indicates how relevant the elements selected by the classification are to a given class. | |
Recall score: this score varies from 0 to 1 and indicates how many relevant elements are selected. | |
F1-score: the harmonic mean of the Precision score and the Recall score. | |
For the best model | The global weighted F1-score |
The model file is stored in the specified folder. You can now use the generated model with the tNLPPredict component to predict named entities and label text data automatically.