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SAP Ariba

SAP Ariba is a spend management software. You can use SAP Ariba as a data source when landing or replicating data.

You can use the following SAP Ariba connectors:

  • SAP Ariba Analytical

    This is the main SAP Ariba connector to start with. If some specific data is missing, try using the other connectors.

  • SAP Ariba Event Management

  • SAP Ariba Operational Procurement

  • SAP Ariba Operational Sourcing

  • SAP Ariba Supplier Data

  • SAP Ariba Supplier Risk Engagements

Guidelines for selecting which connector to use:

  1. Start with checking to see if SAP Ariba Analytical covers your use case. This connector covers the most use cases and has the highest data capture performance.

  2. If SAP Ariba Analytical does not cover your use case, try with SAP Ariba Operational Procurement or SAP Ariba Operational Sourcing.

  3. If your needs are not yet met, try the other connectors.

Métodos de atualização compatíveis

Para obter mais informações, consulte Alterar processamento.

  • Captura de dados de alterações (CDC)

  • Recarregar e comparar

  • Alterar captura de dados (CDC) usando tabelas de alteração

  • Carregamento total

  • Captura de dados de alterações (CDC)

  • Carregar

Nota informativaChange Data Capture (CDC) is not available when using SAP Ariba Supplier Data.

Preparing for authentication

To access your SAP Ariba data, you need to authenticate the connection with OAuth credentials. You need to request access for each connector that you want to use:

  1. Go to and sign in.

  2. Click Manage (bottom icon on the left), then click the + button next to the search field.

  3. Set Application Name and Description to:

    • Qlik Analytical for SAP Ariba Analytical

    • Qlik Event Management for SAP Ariba Event Management

    • Qlik Procurement for SAP Ariba Operational Procurement

    • Qlik Sourcing for SAP Ariba Operational Sourcing

    • Qlik Supplier Data for SAP Ariba Supplier Data

    • Qlik Supplier Risk Engagements for SAP Ariba Supplier Risk Engagements

  4. Click Submit.

  5. Click Actions, then click Request API Access.

  6. Select to request access to:

    • Analytical Reporting for SAP Ariba Analytical

    • Event Management Reporting for SAP Ariba Event Management

    • Operational Reporting for Procurement for SAP Ariba Operational Procurement

    • Operational Reporting for Sourcing for SAP Ariba Operational Sourcing

    • Supplier Data for SAP Ariba Supplier Data

    • Supplier Risk Engagements for SAP Ariba Supplier Risk Engagements

  7. Select your realm and click Submit.

    Nota informativaYou may need to wait 12 hours for this request to be approved.
  8. Once approved, click Actions, then click Generate OAuth Secret.

    Copy the Application Key, OAuth Client Id, and OAuth Secret to use when authenticating.

Nota informativaCertifique-se de que a conta que você usa tenha acesso de leitura às tabelas que deseja buscar.

Creating the connection

  1. Clique em Autenticar quando tiver preenchido as configurações de conexão necessárias.

    Você pode ser solicitado a fazer login no aplicativo de origem.

    Uma janela é exibida com um código de autenticação.

  2. Copie o código para a área de transferência e retorne à caixa de diálogo de conexão.

  3. Cole o código em Autenticação completa com o código fornecido pela fonte e clique em Verificar.

    Nota de dicaPode ser necessário rolar para baixo para ver este campo.

    Quando o status é Verificado, a autenticação é verificada.

  4. Forneça um nome para a conexão em Nome da conexão.

  5. Selecione Abrir metadados de conexão para definir metadados para a conexão quando ela for criada.

Connection settings
Setting Description
Data gateway

Selecione um Data Movement gateway para usar ao replicar dados.

API Host Set to, or to if you are using the EU data center.
OpenAPI Host

Set to, or to if you are using the EU data center.

This option is only available in SAP Ariba Analytical, SAP Ariba Supplier Data, and SAP Ariba Supplier Risk Engagements.

Application key

(API key in SAP Ariba Supplier Data)

Application key created when you prepared for authentication.

OAuth Client Id

OAuth client id created when you prepared for authentication.

OAuth Secret OAuth secret created when you prepared for authentication.
Realm Name of your realm in SAP Ariba.
Runtime URL

The runtime URL from the Environment Details table on the SAP Ariba developer portal discovery page for this API.

This option is only available in SAP Ariba Event Management, SAP Ariba Operational Procurement, and SAP Ariba Operational Sourcing.



This option is only available in SAP Ariba Event Management.

Password Adapter

Password adapter

This option is only available in SAP Ariba Event Management.

Start Date

Start date to capture data.

Use the format YYYY-MM-DD, for example, 2023-05-01

This option is only available in SAP Ariba Supplier Risk Engagements.

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