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Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM

Microsoft Dynamics 365 is a cloud-based business applications platform that provides customer relationship management (CRM). You can land CRM data from Microsoft Dynamics 365 as a data source when landing or replicating data.

The following Microsoft Dynamics 365 modules are supported:

  • Sales

  • Marketing

  • Customer Service

  • Field Service

  • Project Service Automation

Only standard objects are supported.

Metodi di aggiornamento supportati

Per ulteriori informazioni, vedere Cambia elaborazione

  • Change Data Capture (CDC)

  • Ricaricamento e confronto

  • Funzione Change Data Capture (CDC) che utilizza tabelle di modifica

  • Caricamento completo

  • Change Data Capture (CDC)

  • Ricarica

When using CDC, you must enable Change Tracking in Microsoft Dynamics 365 for all entities that need to be replicated.

  • Out of the box entities are enabled by default.

  • You can enable custom entities by navigating to the relevant Entity Definition page of your entity and selecting Change Tracking.

For more information, see Enable change tracking for entities.

Preparing for authentication

To access your Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM data, you need to authenticate the connection with your account credentials.

Nota informaticaThis requires administrator access to the Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM account.
  1. Go to and click New registration.

  2. Set Name to Qlik

  3. Set the redirect URL to

  4. Click Register.

  5. Copy the Application ID to Client ID in the connection settings.

  6. Go to the API permissions tab, click Add a permission, and select Microsoft Graph.

  7. Click Delegated permissions and select Offline_access.

  8. Click Add permissions.

  9. Click Add a permission.

  10. Click Dynamics CRM.

  11. Click Permissions, and select user_impersonation.

  12. Click Add permissions.

  13. Click Grant admin consent for... and thenclick Yes.

  14. Click Certificates & secrets.

  15. Click New client secret, and select Never or set the expiry as far in the future as possible.

  16. Click Add.

Value contains your client secret that you can copy to Client Secret in the connection. You may also want to record the client secret for future use.

Nota informaticaAssicurarsi che l'account utilizzata disponga di accesso di lettura per le tabelle che si desidera recuperare.

Creating the connection

  1. Una volta completate le impostazioni di connessione richieste, fare clic su Autenticazione.

    Potrebbe essere visualizzato un messaggio che richiede di accedere all'applicazione di origine.

    Viene visualizzata una finestra con un codice di autenticazione.

  2. Copiare il codice negli appunti e tornare alla finestra di dialogo della connessione.

  3. Incollare il codice in Completare l'autenticazione con il codice fornito dalla sorgente e fare clic su Verifica.

    Nota di suggerimentoPer visualizzare questo campo, potrebbe essere necessario scorrere in basso.

    Quando lo stato Verificato, l'autenticazione viene verificata.

  4. Fornire un nome per la connessione in Nome connessione.

  5. Selezionare Apri metadati di connessione per definire i metadati della connessione al momento della creazione.

Connection settings
Setting Description
Data gateway

Selezionare un Gateway di Data Movement da utilizzare quando si replicano dati.

Client ID Client ID. Application ID for the application you created.
Client Secret Client secret. You can find your client secret on the application page. on the Certifications and secrets tab.
Authorization Endpoint Authorization endpoint. You can find your authorization endpoint on the application page. Click Endpoints, and copy the value in OAuth 2.0 authorization endpoint (v1).
Token Endpoint Token endpoint. You can find your token endpoint on the application page. Click Endpoints, and copy the value in OAuth 2.0 token endpoint (v1).
Service Root URL

Service root URL. To find the service root URL:

  1. Go to your Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM instance and click Settings or Advanced Settings.

  2. At the top of the page next to Settings, click the downwards-facing arrow and select Customizations.

  3. Click Developer Resources.


Resource. Use the first part of your Service Root URL.


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