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Outlook 365

The Qlik Outlook 365 Connector enables you to access and fetch data from your Outlook 365 account and load it directly into your Qlik Sense app.

Note Qlik Sense Enterprise SaaS GovernmentQlik Cloud Government users have additional Microsoft data sources to access government services. US Government data sources are named according to the environment they connect to, such as Outlook 365 GCC High.

Ways to access your data

To access your Outlook 365 data, you need to authenticate the connector with your Outlook 365 account credentials. After you create a connection, select Outlook 365 as your data source, select the prompt/consent level, and select Authenticate. You are redirected to an Outlook 365 login page. Log in with your credentials to retrieve an authentication code, and enter it into the connector.

Note InformationsTo ensure continuous access, the refresh token is stored so it can be used to update the connection automatically. This is done to avoid timeouts and token expiration. If the connection is not used for 90 days, the token will expire and you must refresh authentication manually.

Creating a data source connection

Loading data from tables

After you authenticate the connector with your account credentials, use the tables to fetch your data. Below are use cases for some of the available tables:

Tables that can be loaded
Table Available in Description
MyProfile Éditeur de chargement de données Fetches the currently authenticated user's Outlook 365 profile information.
MailFolders Gestionnaire de données and Éditeur de chargement de données Fetches a list of folders in a user's mailbox.
Mail Gestionnaire de données and Éditeur de chargement de données Fetches a list of messages from Outlook mail, with optional search and filter queries.
Attachments Éditeur de chargement de données Fetches the properties and relationships of any attachments, attached to the specified event/message ID.
Calendars Éditeur de chargement de données Fetches a list of events in a calendar. The list contains single instance meetings and series masters.
EventsForCalendar Éditeur de chargement de données Retrieve a list of events in a calendar. The list contains single instance meetings and series masters. If you do not enter a calendar ID it will retrieve events for your own calendar.
AllEvents Éditeur de chargement de données Retrieve a list of all events from all calendars that the logged in user can access.
Contacts Éditeur de chargement de données Fetches a list of contacts.
Users Éditeur de chargement de données Fetches a list of users.

To select and load data from a table, enter the required table parameters and click Preview data. Required parameters are marked with an asterisk (*) in the dialog. The table fields are displayed under the Data preview tab. You can select fields individually by selecting the box beside each field name. Select Insert script after you have made your selection.

Creating a connection and selecting data

Reference - Outlook 365 developer documentation

You can refer to the Outlook 365 documentation to learn more about the requirements and restrictions imposed by the Web API.


You receive an error message that you have reached the API rate limit


You have exceeded the API limits that are imposed by the Outlook 365 API.


To reduce the impact of reaching the API rate limits, develop your app with the following in mind:

  • Extract only the data you need.
  • Reload one Outlook 365-based application at a time.
  • Ensure that loops in your script that make API calls will not result in infinite loops.

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