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Qlik Application Automation

Qlik Application Automation provides a no-code visual interface that helps you easily build automated analytics and data workflows. An automation is a sequence of actions and triggers that runs like a program. It can be a simple workflow that collects information from one application and passes it to another, or it can be an end-to-end pipeline that takes you from raw data to active intelligence. Automations let you automate your analytics environment, create data-driven workflows, and embed data and analytics into your business processes.

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Automations are designed to be simple to build and easy to understand. You can build automations with the no-code automation editor by selecting workflow blocks and ordering them into a logical sequence. Blocks either process data or control the logic of the workflow. Each block is configurable, which lets you create specific workflows that meet your unique use cases.

Nota informativa

Esta funcionalidad no está disponible en Qlik Sense Business oAnalítica Estándar de Qlik Cloud.

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