Information noteTo use the Teradata ODBC driver, the Teradata Tool Utilities (TTU) V13.10 or more recent must be installed on the client machine. The TTU components required are: CLIV2, ICU, GSS, and TPT. The TTU must be acquired directly from the Teradata Download Center.
Information noteIndustry-accepted best practices must be followed when using or allowing access through the ODBC Connector. Administrators must follow The Principle of Least Privilege when setting up source database privileges and permissions.
Supported offerings
- Qlik Sense Enterprise on Windows
- Qlik Sense Desktop/Qlik Sense Client-Managed Mobile
- Qlik Sense Enterprise SaaS
- QlikView (Requires separate installation)
Supported Teradata versions
The followings data versions are supported:
- 17.20
- 17.10
- 16.20
- 16.10
- 16.0
- 15.10
- 15.0
- 14.10
Supported Teradata data types
The following Teradata data types are supported by the Teradata Connector.
- BigInt
- Binary
- Byte
- ByteInt
- Character
- Date
- Decimal
- Float
- Integer
- Json
- LongVarchar
- Numeric
- SmallInt
- Time
- TimeStamp
- Time_WTZ
- TimeStamp_WTZ
- VarByte
- Varchar