Presto supports MySQL and PostgreSQL. It also integrates with the Hive metastore to complement existing Hive environments with low latency queries. Unlike a relational database, Presto does not require centralized schema definitions. Presto can query self-describing data as well as complex or multi-structured data. Presto supports semi-structured or nested data types such as JSON.
Presto processes data in record batches and discovers the schema during the processing of each record batch. This enables Presto to support changing schemas during a query.
Supported offerings
- Qlik Sense Desktop/Qlik Sense Client-Managed Mobile
- Qlik Sense Enterprise on Windows
- Qlik Sense Enterprise SaaS
- QlikView (Requires separate installation)
Supported Presto versions
The Presto ODBC Driver supports the following versions of Presto Server:
- Open-source Presto Server versions 0.240 and earlier
Teradata Presto Server versions 0.208-t and earlier
Presto Server 341 and earlier
Supported Presto data types
The following Presto data types are supported by the PrestoDB Connector:
- BigInt
- Boolean
- Char
- Date
- Decimal
- Double
- Float
- Integer
- SmallInt
- Time
- Time_WTZ
- Timestamp
- Timestamp With Time Zone
- TinyInt
- Varbinary
- Varchar
- Array
- Json
- Map
- Row