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Setting up connections to data sources and targets

With Qlik Talend Data Integration, you can connect to a large number of data sources to move data to a target platform. Data sources include SaaS applications, databases, cloud data warehouses, and SAP. Targets include cloud data warehouses, databases, and cloud storage. Depending on your use case, you connect to targets to facilitate data movement as well as various ELT operations, including data registration, data storage, transformations, and data mart creation. Most target platforms are supported both as replication targets and data pipeline targets.

  • With SaaS applications, you can use incremental loads based on date fields or full reloads to keep the data up-to-date on the target.

  • With databases and SAP, you can use CDC (Change Data Capture) technology or full reloads to keep the data up-to-date on the target.

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