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User interface navigation and interaction

Was Sie in Qlik Sense sehen und tun können

What you can do and see in Qlik Sense depends on what access rights your Qlik Sense system administrator has granted you. This means that you can see some parts of the user interface or perform some actions only when the app is in a specific state or when your access rights allow them.

Starting Qlik Sense

You start Qlik Sense by entering a web address in your browser. Qlik Sense opens at the hub, which is where you see all the apps you have access to.

Navigating in the user interface

See a walk-through of the interface to get to know the different views and how you can navigate between them.

Interacting with the user interface

Learn how to interact with Qlik Sense in the different views and learn specific interaction patterns depending on what kind of device you use.

Fehlerbehebung – Navigieren und Interagieren mit Qlik Sense

Find solutions to some problems that you might encounter when navigating in and interacting with Qlik Sense.

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