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Amazon S3 Metadata

The Qlik Amazon S3 Metadata Connector uses the Amazon S3 API to access your Amazon S3 metadata, such as the names of files and subfolders in your Amazon S3 bucket. This allows you to stream data directly into your Qlik Sense app from your Amazon S3 public account or via PrivateLink.

InformationshinweisWe recommend that you use the Amazon S3 Metadata V2 connector when developing new apps. For more information, see Amazon S3 Metadata V2.

Connecting to Amazon S3 through the AWS internal network

Ways to access your data

You need to authenticate the connector with your Amazon S3 account credentials: access key, secret key, region, and bucket name.

Creating a connection and selecting data

Loading data from tables

After you authenticate the connector with your account credentials, use the tables to fetch your data.

Gehen Sie folgendermaßen vor:

  1. Under the list of connections, find your Amazon S3 Metadata connection. Click Data Selection Select tables.

  2. Enter the required table parameters and click Preview data.

    Required parameters are marked with an asterisk (*).

  3. The table fields are displayed under the Data preview tab. You can select fields individually by selecting the box beside each field name.

  4. Select Insert script after you have made your selection.

Below are use cases for some of the available tables:

Tables that can be loaded
Table Description
ListBuckets Fetches a list of buckets from your Amazon S3 account.
List Fetches a list of folders in a bucket and the objects inside those folders. You need the bucket region and bucket name to run this table.
ListObjects Fetches a list of objects in a bucket. You need the bucket region and bucket name to run this table.
Metadata Returns metadata for the object.

Reference - Amazon S3 documentation

You can refer to the Amazon S3 API documentation to learn more about the requirements and restrictions imposed by the Amazon S3 REST API.

Amazon S3 REST API Introduction


You receive an error message that you have reached the API rate limit

Mögliche Ursache  

You have exceeded the API limits that are imposed by the Amazon S3 API.

Vorgeschlagene Aktion  

To reduce the impact of reaching the API rate limits, develop your app with the following in mind:

  • Extract only the data you need.
  • Reload one Amazon S3-based application at a time.
  • Ensure that loops in your script that make API calls will not result in infinite loops.

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