Configuring the components
Double-click tFileInputDelimited to
open its Basic settings view.
- In the File name/stream field, enter the context variable for the file that has the country codes, context.filepath.
Click the [...] button to open the
schema editor.
Click the [+] button to add a column,
country_code, for example, with
the type of string.
Click OK to close the editor.
Double-click tXMLMap to open its Map
In the request table of the output
flow side, right-click the column name payload and from the contextual menu, select Import from Repository. Then the Metadata wizard is opened.
Select the schema of the request message and click OK to validate this selection. In this example, the schema is getAirportInformationByISOCountryCode.
Drop the country_code column in the
main flow onto the Expression area next
to the tns:CountryAbbreviation node
in the request output flow.
Click OK to close the editor and validate this configuration.
Double-click tESBConsumer to open its
service configuration wizard:
Click the Browse... button to select
the desired WSDL file. The Port name
and Operation are automatically filled
up once the WSDL file is selected.
Click OK to close the wizard.
Double-click response to open its
Basic settings view:
Select Vertical (each row is a key/value
list) and then Print
label for a better view of the results.
Do the same to the other tLogRow, fault_message.
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