SAP Supplier Risk Engagements
SAP Supplier Risk Engagements is a platform which simplifies the supplier management process, provides actionable insight, and uses risk alerts and third-party risk assessments to evaluate and mitigate risk exposure.
For more information about connecting to SaaS applications, see Koppla till SaaS-program.
For more information about Lite connectors, see Klassificeringar för SaaS-tillämpnings-kopplingar.
Depending on your use case, you might need to install Data Movement gateway to move data from SaaS applications. For more information, see När krävs Data Movement gateway?.
Preparing for authentication
To access your SAP Supplier Risk Engagements data, you need to authenticate the connection with your account credentials.
To obtain your Application Key, OAuth Client ID and OAuth Secret:
Go to and sign in.
Click Manage.
Click the + button next to the search field.
Set Application Name and Description to Qlik Analytical, then click Submit.
Click Actions.
Click Generate OAuth Secret.
Click Request API Access.
Select Analytical Reporting then select your realm and click Submit. You may need to wait 12 hours for this request to be approved.
Once approved click Actions then click Generate OAuth Secret.
Copy and save the Application Key, OAuth Client ID and OAuth Secret in a secured file. You will need them to connect to the application.
Creating the connection
For more information, see Koppla till SaaS-program.
- Fill in the required connection properties.
Provide a name for the connection in Connection name.
Select Open connection metadata to define metadata for the connection when it has been created.
Click Create.
Setting | Description |
Data gateway |
Välj en Data Movement gateway om det krävs för ditt användningsfall. Anteckning om information
Detta fält är inte tillgängligt med Qlik Talend Cloud Starter-prenumerationen eftersom den inte stöder Data Movement gateway. Om du har en annan prenumerationsnivå och inte vill använda Data Movement gateway väljer du Inget. Information om fördelarna med Data Movement gateway och användningsfall som kräver det finns i Qlik Data Gateway - Data Movement. |
API Host |
If you are using the EU data center, set it to for example. |
OpenAPI Host |
If you are using the EU data center, set it to for example. |
Start Date |
Start date in the format Example: 2024-05-28. |
Application Key |
Your application key. |
OAuth Client ID |
Your OAuth client ID. |
OAuth Secret |
Your OAuth secret. |
Realm |
The name of your Realm. |