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Sheet view

You can open a sheet from the app overview. In sheet view, you can do the following:

  • Analyze with the app. You make selections in the visualizations and go into detail in your data to gain insights.
  • Take snapshots of visualizations. You use these static snapshots for building stories in data storytelling.
  • Develop, or edit the app. You create sheets and visualizations to be used for data analysis. You cannot edit sheets of a published app, but if you have the correct permissions, you can create your own private sheets. You can also load another data file into the app.

The status of an app (published or not) affects what options are available in the menus and edit panel.


You start analyzing data on a sheet by making selections in the visualizations. You can quickly see and move around among the sheets with the sheet navigator.

Sheet view

Sheet view with filter panes to the left and chart visualizations to the right

The toolbar contains the navigation menu, the global menu and other useful commands.

Navigation menu with options App overview, Data manager, Data load editor, Data model viewer and Open hub.

Open hub is not shown if the hub has been disabled by your administrator.

Information noteOnce the app has been published, you cannot navigate to the data manager, the data load editor or the data model viewer.

Global menu with options Add data, Export sheet to PDF, Publish sheet, Duplicate sheet, Delete sheet, Help and About.

Information noteOnce the app has been published, you cannot add data.

Show or hide app information, where you can choose to edit app information or open app options and style your app.
Information noteOnce the app has been published, you cannot edit app information nor open app options.
Ç Access to all stories in the app and to creating a new story.
> Access to all bookmarks in the app and to creating a new bookmark.
@ Edit sheet.
4 Access to all sheets in the app and to creating a new sheet using the sheet navigator.
ê Previous sheet.
ë Next sheet.

App overview

Managing data in the app with Data manager

Data load editor

Data model viewer

The hub

Collecting insights for a story using snapshots

Adding data to the app

Exporting a sheet


Storytelling view

Bookmarking selections

Navigating between sheets


The selections bar with tools for working with selections.

< Step back in selections.
= Step forward in selections.
: Clear all selections.
F Open smart search to search in the entire data set.
9 Open the selections tool, which is an extension of the selections bar.

Exploring with selections

Using smart search

Using the selections tool

C The sheet with visualizations.

Structuring an app using sheets


Hover menu with options:

Take snapshots: to take a snapshot of the visualization.

Exploration menu: to change visualization properties without making selections or editing the sheet.

Full screen: to explore data on a detailed level you can expand and work with one visualization at a time on the sheet.

Collecting insights for a story using snapshots

Visual exploration

Showing a visualization in full screen

Take snapshots

When you are in sheet view, you can take snapshots of the visualizations and use them to build a story in data storytelling.

You can take snapshots of all the different visualization types but not the filter panes.

Snapshot mode

Working with snapshots in sheet view.

Å Take snapshot.


Collecting insights for a story using snapshots


Å Take snapshot from the shortcut menu.

C Open the snapshot library for this visualization. Snapshot library
Tip noteWhen the snapshot library is opened from storytelling view, all the snapshots from all the visualizations in the app are displayed.

Develop (edit)

You enable editing of the sheet and its visualizations by clicking @ Edit in the toolbar. The properties panel opens on the right.

Tip noteYou can also start editing by long-touching/right-clicking a sheet in the app overview or the sheet navigator, and selecting Edit from the shortcut menu.

In an unpublished app, the left-hand panel contains assets such as measures, dimensions, fields and charts. You can create measures and dimensions from the assets panel, to use when building visualizations.

In a published app, the left-hand panel contains pre-made and ready-to-use master items (measures, dimensions and visualizations) and charts. You cannot update the existing sheets of a published app, but you can create new sheets to further develop the app.

Tip noteIf the panel on the left is collapsed, click one of the assets in the panel. If the properties panel is hidden, click h in the lower right-hand corner.

Sheet View - edit

Editing a sheet of an unpublished app, with the assets panel to the left and the properties panel to the right.

In the assets panel of an unpublished app you find fields to use when creating dimensions and measures, and charts to use when creating visualizations. You can also use custom objects to create visualizations. You can save dimensions, measures and visualizations as master items for reuse.

In a published app, you find pre-made and ready-to-use master items (measures, dimensions and visualizations) .You also find charts and custom objects to use when creating your own visualizations.

Assets panel


Search all items in the assets panel.

Searching in the assets

C A selected visualization with resizing handles.

Resizing a visualization

D Properties of the selected visualization or the sheet. The properties for the sheet is shown if you have not selected a visualization.

Editing a visualization

E Cut, copy, paste and delete items on the sheet.

Copying, replacing and moving items on sheets

Deleting a visualization

F Undo and redo.

Undo and redo actions

G Open the variables overview. Using variables in expressions

Touch gestures in the sheet view

The table describes the touch gestures that are used in the sheet view.

Long-touch and release Open the shortcut menu
Long-touch a visualization Open the options menu
Swipe Scroll lists and visualizations
Pinch Zoom in or out on visualizations
Two-finger tap Select an interval in a list, table or bar chart axis
Two-finger swipe Pan a scatter plot visualization
Three-finger tap Reset the zoom level of a scatter plot visualization

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