On the Reduce wizard guide page, the new task can be configured to split a document into several reduced copies of the original.
A reduced document contains only the reduced information, while a document using the section access function contains all information, but hides and reveals parts of it.
Reduction Method
Reduce by
Select one of the following options:
- Reduce by Field Value, meaning that one reduced document is created, by selecting the fields and values that should be distributed.
- Reduce by Bookmark, meaning that one reduced document is created, by selecting the bookmarks that should be distributed.
You can also create several separate documents, based on a field value.
Open Document
To be able to use the contents of the document for selecting bookmarks or fields and field values, the document has to be opened by clicking on this button.
Reduce by Field Value
Presents the Fields and Values that are available in the document.
To select the fields that should be part of the reduced document to be distributed, select them in this box.
To select the values that should be part of the reduced document to be distributed, select them in this box.
Selected Fields
Presents the selected fields.
Selected Values
Presents the selected values.
Clear Selection
To clear all selected fields and values, click on the Clear Selection icon, .
Reduce by Bookmark
Presents the Bookmarks that are available in the document.
To select the bookmark to distribute, scroll down the drop-down list and select it.
Loop and Reduce
To create several separate documents for each value in the selected field, select the Field from which the value is to be looped.
To get context sensitive help information (this WebHelp), that is, detailed information about the contents of the current page, click on the Help text in the upper right corner of the page.
Movement Buttons
If applicable and available, use the following buttons to move between pages within the wizard:
- Previous, meaning 'go back to the previous wizard guide page'; the configuration on the current wizard guide page will be stored until moving forward again, using the Next button.
- Next, meaning 'go ahead to the next wizard guide page'.
Information note This button is only available when the current wizard guide page has been configured with the required data.
- Finish, meaning 'finish this wizard', using the configured information.
Information note This button is only available when all of the wizard guide pages have been configured.
- Cancel or
, meaning 'abort this wizard', without using or storing any configuration; no task will be created.