Trigger Task
On the Trigger Task wizard guide page, the new task can be configured to be started by triggers. A task can have multiple triggers, creating a workflow of tasks.
Triggers for Running this Task
Each row presents a separate trigger. The current task is started if any trigger is released (OR operator). If several triggers (multiple conditions) are to be released, before the current task is started, the On Multiple Events Completed function should be used (AND operator).
To create a trigger, click on the Add icon, , to the right in the pane.
The type of the trigger. The possible value is the following:
- Once Trigger
- Task Finished Trigger
- External Event Trigger
- And Trigger
The trigger condition settings, that is, a summary of when the trigger starts the current task.
The current status of the trigger. The possible values are the following:
- Enabled
- Disabled
Edit Trigger
To configure a trigger, click on the Edit Trigger icon, .
To entirely remove a trigger, click on the Delete icon, .
Configure Trigger Dialog
Start the Task
Choose the type of trigger by clicking on one of the following options in the drop-down list:
- On a Schedule
- On Event from Another Task
- On an External Event
- On Multiple Events Completed
To enable the trigger for execution of the task, tick this check box. To disable the trigger, untick this check box.
On a Schedule
When the On a Schedule trigger type was chosen, a trigger can be scheduled to start the current task. The following configuration options are available:
Choose a schedule for the trigger to start, by clicking on one of the following options:
Start at
Enter the date and time of the initial trigger start in this text box, by using the following format: yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss.
2011-12-31 23:59:59
No further settings are available.
Run Every
Choose a time interval for the trigger to start, by entering the desired number in the Hours and Minutes text boxes.
1 and 10, meaning that the trigger will start every 70 minutes (the example not considering other possible limiting settings).
Choose the day(s) of the week for the trigger to start, by ticking any of the following check boxes:
- Monday
- Tuesday
- Wednesday
- Thursday
- Friday
- Saturday
- Sunday
Run Only Between
To limit the trigger start within a day, tick this check box. Enter the start time and the stop time, in between which trigger start is allowed, in the start and stop text boxes, by using the following format: hh:mm. To disable the limitation, untick this check box.
Max Number of Executions
To limit the number of trigger starts, tick this check box and enter the allowed number of trigger starts in the Max Number text box. To not limit the number of trigger starts, untick this check box.
To make the trigger expire on a specific date and time, tick this check box and enter the date and time in this text box, by using the following format: yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss. To make the trigger not to expire, untick this check box.
2012-12-31 23:59:59
Run Every
Choose a time interval for the trigger to start, by entering the desired number in the Day text box.
3, meaning that the trigger will start every third day (the example not considering other possible limiting settings).
Max Number of Executions
To limit the number of trigger starts, tick this check box and enter the allowed number of trigger starts in the Max Number text box. To not limit the number of trigger starts, untick this check box.
To make the trigger expire on a specific date and time, tick this check box and enter the date and time in this text box, by using the following format: yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss. To make the trigger not to expire, untick this check box.
2012-12-31 23:59:59
Run Every
Choose a time interval for the trigger to start, by entering the desired number in the Weeks text box.
2, meaning that the trigger will start every second week (the example not considering other possible limiting settings).
Choose the day(s) of the week for the trigger to start, by ticking any of the following check boxes:
- Monday
- Tuesday
- Wednesday
- Thursday
- Friday
- Saturday
- Sunday
Max Number of Executions
To limit the number of trigger starts, tick this check box and enter the allowed number of trigger starts in the Max Number text box. To not limit the number of trigger starts, untick this check box.
To make the trigger expire on a specific date and time, tick this check box and enter the date and time in this text box, by using the following format: yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss. To make the trigger not to expire, untick this check box.
2012-12-31 23:59:59
Choose the month(s) of the year for the trigger to start, by ticking any of the following check boxes:
- January
- February
- March
- April
- May
- June
- July
- August
- September
- October
- November
- December
Check All
To automatically tick all of the months, click on this button.
Uncheck All
To automatically untick all of the months, click on this button.
Run Only
To limit the trigger start within the selected Months, select one of the following options:
- Days, and select the day(s) of the month(s) for the trigger to start, by ticking any of the following check boxes:
- 1, 2, 3... 31, where each value represents that day of the month(s)
- Last, meaning the very last day of the month(s)
Information noteIf no day was chosen, the trigger will not occur. - On, and select the weekday(s) of the month(s), by ticking any of the following check boxes:
Days to trigger Order Weekday First
Max Number of Executions
To limit the number of trigger starts, tick this check box and enter the allowed number of trigger starts in the Max Number text box. To not limit the number of trigger starts, untick this check box.
To make the trigger expire on a specific date and time, tick this check box and enter the date and time in this text box, by using the following format: yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss. To make the trigger not to expire, untick this check box.
2012-12-31 23:59:59
No further settings are available.
On Event from Another Task
When the On Event from Another Task trigger type was chosen, the trigger can be configured to start the current task on the event from another task. The following configuration options are available:
Start on
Choose a trigger event, by clicking on one of the following options in the drop-down list:
- Successful, meaning that the execution of the task was successful
- Failed, meaning that the execution of the task failed
Completion of
Choose a trigger task, by clicking on one of the options in the drop-down list.
On an External Event
When the On an External Event trigger type was chosen, the trigger can be configured to start the current task on an external event, that is, an outside component, making a QlikView Management Service (QMS) API call. The following configuration options are available:
This password is used to access the task and release the trigger. The external event has to know the password. To enable an external event to release the trigger of the task, enter a password in this text box.
On Multiple Events Completed
When the On Multiple Events Completed trigger type was chosen, the trigger can be configured to start the current task when other tasks have all been completed in their execution within a certain time. The following configuration options are available:
Time Constraint
Choose a time limit, within which all of the tasks have to complete their execution, by entering the desired number in the Minutes text box.
Default value: 360, meaning 6 hours.
Run Task When All of these Events Completed
External Event
To add an external event to the list of tasks that have to be completed for the trigger to be started, tick this check box. To entirely remove an external event from the list, untick this check box.
This password is used to access the task and release the trigger. The external event has to know the password. To enable an external event to release the trigger of the task, enter a password in this text box.
Task Completed
To add tasks, and the events with which they have to be completed for the trigger to be started, click on the Add icon, , to the right in the pane.
Select the event for the task in the drop-down list.
Select the corresponding task, for which an event was selected in the Event field, in the drop-down list.
To get context sensitive help information (this WebHelp), that is, detailed information about the contents of the current page, click on the Help text in the upper right corner of the page.
Movement Buttons
If applicable and available, use the following buttons to move between pages within the wizard:
- Previous, meaning 'go back to the previous wizard guide page'; the configuration on the current wizard guide page will be stored until moving forward again, using the Next button.
- Next, meaning 'go ahead to the next wizard guide page'.
Information note This button is only available when the current wizard guide page has been configured with the required data.
- Finish, meaning 'finish this wizard', using the configured information.
Information note This button is only available when all of the wizard guide pages have been configured.
- Cancel or
, meaning 'abort this wizard', without using or storing any configuration; no task will be created.