In the Templates folder, a way of creating, storing, and using templates for creating new tasks, and assigning them to source documents, is provided. Templates do not include any document specific settings, that is, the following functions are not applicable:
- Reduce
- Loop and Distribute
- PDF Report from Source Document
This means that document-specific information is not included when copying a task and pasting it into a new or existing template. Also, templates cannot be executed.
A template is not assigned to any source document. A template that is copied to a source document will become a task. Another way of adding a task, using a template, is to select the Add Task Using Template option.
Search Document, Task, or Template
Enter the desired search term(s) in this text box, to find documents, tasks, or templates, and click on the Search icon, .
To overview all of the templates, in the right pane, click on the Templates folder in the tree view.
Add Template
To add a template, click on the Add Template icon, , in the upper right corner of the right pane. A template is created, and the settings have to be configured on each of the tabs belonging to the template.
Edit Template
To configure a template, click on the Edit Template icon, , or click on the template in the tree view. In the right pane, the following tabs are presented:
- General
- Reload
- Distribute
- Document Information
- Triggers
- Server
Click on each tab label for more information.
Context Menu
To view the context menu of a template, from which it can be managed, right-click on the template in the tree view.
Copy Template
To copy a template, click on the Copy this Template to Clipboard icon, , or right-click on the template in the tree view and choose Copy.
Paste Template
Pasting a template into the template folder will create a new template. To paste a copied template to the template folder, either click on (highlight) the template folder and click on the Paste Template icon, , in the right pane (to the left of the Add Template icon,
), or right-click on the template folder and choose Paste.
Pasting a template into an existing template will merge the templates, overwriting the settings of the destination template. To merge a copied template with another template, either click on (highlight) the template folder, in which the destination template resides, in the tree view, and click on the Paste Special... icon of that template, , in the right pane (under the Delete this template icon,
), or click on (highlight) the destination template in the tree view, and right-click on Paste Special.... Choose which parts (components) of the template to be pasted (duplicated or merged) into the destination template and click on the OK button.
The parts of a template to be chosen correspond to each of the tabs that are presented in:
A copied template can be merged with several templates simultaneously by multi-selecting the desired destination templates in the tree view.
Import Template
To import a template from another installation, right-click on the template folder and choose Import Template. This will bring up the remote system. Choose the template to be imported. If there is a template with the same name in the template folder already, a new name will be generated.
To import all templates from a remote system, right-click on the Distribution Service and choose Import Templates, which opens the Import dialog. Choose the Distribution Service from the remote system to be imported.
Delete Template
To entirely remove a template, either click on (highlight) the template folder, in which the template resides, in the tree view, and click on the Delete this Template icon of that template, , in the right pane, or click on (highlight) the template in the tree view, and right-click on Delete.
To get context sensitive help information (this WebHelp), that is, detailed information about the contents of the current page, click on the Help text in the upper right corner of the page.
Movement Buttons
If applicable and available, use the following buttons to move between pages within the wizard:
- Previous, meaning 'go back to the previous wizard guide page'; the configuration on the current wizard guide page will be stored until moving forward again, using the Next button.
- Next, meaning 'go ahead to the next wizard guide page'.
Information note This button is only available when the current wizard guide page has been configured with the required data.
- Finish, meaning 'finish this wizard', using the configured information.
Information note This button is only available when all of the wizard guide pages have been configured.
- Cancel or
, meaning 'abort this wizard', without using or storing any configuration; no task will be created.