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PostgreSQL rules

Extract Tables: When enabled, NodeGraph gathers tables and fields definitions from the system table, together with some metadata surrounding them.

  • Table Category: Choose from the categories created in Categories or create a new category via the built-in sub-menu.

Extract Views: When enabled, NodeGraph goes through the defined views in the database, and parses the definitions.

  • Create view dependencies: If enabled, extract views not only gather the output from said views, but also the internal lineage and creates connections to the raw tables used in each view.

  • View Category: Choose from the categories created in Categories or create a new category via the built-in sub-menu.

Include Databases: A semicolon separated list of databases to act upon with the above ruleset. Does not support wildcard.

Schema Filter: The schema filter is used to decide what schemas to include. For example, you could use the definition *.dbo.* ; AdventureWorks.Sales.* to gather all tables from the dbo schema of all your databases, but also the tables from the Sales schema on the AdventureWorks catalog.

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