Tableau rules
Include Sites Filter: In case of multiple sites on a Tableau Server specify the sites to include in current rule.
Include Projects Filter: Specify specific projects to include in current rule.
Include Workbooks Filter: Specify specific workbooks to include in current rule.
Exclude Filter: Specify specific keywords used to exclude Sites/Projects/Workbooks.
Unmapped data source category: Choose from the categories created in Categories or create a new category via the built-in sub-menu.
Unmapped file source category: Choose from the categories created in Categories or create a new category via the built-in sub-menu.
Database Category: Choose from the categories created in Categories or create a new category via the built-in sub-menu. Will hold database details in the following node hierarchy:
Site / Database type / Databases / Tables / Columns
Datasource Category: Choose from the categories created in Categories or create a new category via the built-in sub-menu. Will hold datasource details in the following node hierarchies:
If embedded: Site / Datasource Type / Project / Workbook / Datasources / Fields & Parameters
If published: Site / Datasource Type / Datasources / Fields & Parameters
Workbook Category: Choose from the categories created in Categories or create a new category via the built-in sub-menu. Will hold workbook details in the following node hierarchy:
Site / Project / Workbook / Dashboards & Sheets / Fields
Extract and show flows: When enabled, NodeGraph will extract any published Flow metadata.
Flow Category: Only visible when “Extract and show flows” is enabled. Choose from the categories created in Categories or create a new category via the built-in sub-menu. Will hold flow details in following node hierarchy: Site / Flows / Output Steps / Fields