NodeGraph import lineage rules
Node file: Path to the text file that contains the Nodes that should be imported by this rule (See Appendix 4 for more details).
Link file: Path to the text file that contains the links that should be used to connects Nodes by this rule (See Appendix 4 for more details).
Use rule name as top level: If having more than one rule in each category, use rule name as top level, to separate them. This will add a new parent node that will contain all entries targeted in the rule as children nodes (or subnodes).
Import Category: Choose from the categories created in Categories or create a new category via the built-in sub-menu.
Unmapped data source category: Choose from the categories created in section Categories or create a new category via the built-in sub-menu.
Unmapped file source category: Choose from the categories created in section Categories or create a new category via the built-in sub-menu.