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Organizing the script code

You can divide your load script into sections to organize the structure. The script is executed in the order of the sections from top to bottom. A load script must contain at least one section.

Sections Main, Dictionary and Calendar in Dateneditor

Sections in the Data load editor.

If you have added data using Add data, you will have a data load script section named Auto-generated section that contains the script code required to load the data.

To learn more about editing data load script, see Edit the data load script.

Working with script sections

There are several ways to organize scripting sections:

  • Click Create new section to insert new script sections to organize your code. The new section is inserted after the currently selected section.
  • Click Delete next to the section tab to delete it. You need to confirm the deletion.

    InformationshinweisDeleting a script section cannot be undone.
  • Click on the section name and type to edit the name. Press Enter or click outside the section when you are finished.
  • Put the cursor on and drag the section to rearrange the order.

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