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Distributing Data Capacity Reporting App for Talend Management Console

You need a specific license and then configure Talend Management Console and Qlik Cloud to set up this capacity usage monitoring feature.

Before you begin

  • You must have a capacity based subscription license with Qlik Cloud. For further information about this kind of license, contact your sales representative.
  • You must have the Security Administrator role in Talend Management Console.
  • You must have the Qlik Cloud administrator role (tenant admin).
  • Ensure that your Talend Management Console region matches your Qlik Cloud region. The following table presents Qlik Cloud regions and their corresponding Talend Management Console regions:
    Qlik Cloud regions Talend Management Console regions
    us-east-1 us
    ap-southeast-2 au
    eu-central-1 eu
    ap-northeast-1 ap
    ap-southeast-1 sg


  1. In Talend Management Console, navigate to the Configurations page and select the Qlik Cloud tab.
  2. If not already done, enter the URL for your Qlik Cloud tenant and click Apply to save the link. This make the Generate access token button available for the next step.
  3. In the Qlik Cloud secure access token section, click Generate access token.
    This generates a token allowing Qlik Cloud to access your Talend Cloud subscription details.
  4. In the Qlik Cloud Administration activity center, go to Settings > Talend Cloud and turn off the Link to Talend Cloud toggle.
    This activates the Talend Cloud account ID field and the secure access token field.
  5. Paste the token in the corresponding field.
    The configuration in the Qlik Cloud Administration activity center for secure access to Talend Cloud
    After the Settings page automatically refreshes, the account ID of your Talend Cloud subscription appears in the Talend Cloud account ID field.
  6. Still on the Settings page, follow the Distributing detailed consumption reports section to distribute and publish the report to the Qlik Cloud managed space of the report users.
    The consumption statistics appear the following day. Redo this distribution and publishing on a daily basis, or every time when the report users need the up-to-date information.

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