Double-click the tXMLMap component to open its Map Editor.
Note that the input area is already filled with the defined input tables and
the top table is the main input table.
In the row2 input table, right-click the
USState node and from the contextual menu
select Import From File. In the pop-up dialog
box, browse to the XML source file to import therefrom the XML tree structure
used by the data to be received by tXMLMap. In
this scenario, the XML source file is USState.xml, which is the input data to tFileInputXML labelled USStates.
In the imported XML tree, right-click the States node and from the contextual menu select As loop element to set it as the loop element.
In the row1 main input table, click the
idState node and drop it to the Exp.key column in the row of the idState
node in the row2 lookup input table. This
creates a join between the two input tables on the idState
data, among which the idState node from the main flow
provides the lookup key.
In the row2 lookup input table, click the
LabelState node and drop it on the
customer node in the Customer output table. A dialog box pops up.
In the pop-up dialog box, select Create as sub-element
of target node and click OK. A
new LabelState sub-element is added to the
output XML tree and mapped with the LabelState node in the
lookup input table.
Click OK to validate the mappings and close
the Map Editor.
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