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SCD components

tDB2SCD Addresses Slowly Changing Dimension needs, reading regularly a source of data and logging the changes into a dedicated SCD table
tGreenplumSCD Addresses Slowly Changing Dimension needs, reading regularly a source of data and logging the changes into a dedicated SCD table.
tInformixSCD Tracks and shows changes which have been made to Informix SCD dedicated tables
tIngresSCD (deprecated) Reflects and tracks changes in a dedicated Ingres SCD table.
tMSSqlSCD Tracks and reflects changes in a dedicated SCD table in a Microsoft SQL Server or Azure SQL database.
tMysqlSCD Reflects and tracks changes in a dedicated MySQL SCD table.
tNetezzaSCD Reflects and tracks changes in a dedicated Netezza SCD table.
tOracleSCD Reflects and tracks changes in a dedicated Oracle SCD table.
tParAccelSCD (deprecated) Addresses Slowly Changing Dimension needs, reading regularly a source of data and logging the changes into a dedicated SCD table
tPostgresPlusSCD Addresses Slowly Changing Dimension needs, reading regularly a source of data and logging the changes into a dedicated SCD table.
tPostgresqlSCD Addresses Slowly Changing Dimension needs, reading regularly a source of data and logging the changes into a dedicated SCD table.
tSybaseSCD Addresses Slowly Changing Dimension needs, reading regularly a source of data and logging the changes into a dedicated SCD table.
tTeradataSCD Addresses Slowly Changing Dimension needs, reading regularly a source of data and logging the changes into a dedicated SCD table.
tVerticaSCD Tracks and reflects data changes in a dedicated Vertica SCD table.

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